Pewee - Wikipedia
The pewees are a genus, Contopus, of small to medium-sized insect -eating birds in the Tyrant flycatcher family Tyrannidae. These birds are known as pewees, from the call of one of the …
Eastern Wood-Pewee Identification - All About Birds
Apr 30, 2015 · The olive-brown Eastern Wood-Pewee is inconspicuous until it opens its bill and gives its unmistakable slurred call: pee-a-wee! —a characteristic sound of Eastern summers. …
PEWEE Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of PEWEE is any of various small largely gray or olive-colored American flycatchers (genus Contopus).
Eastern Wood-Pewee - All About Birds
The olive-brown Eastern Wood-Pewee is inconspicuous until it opens its bill and gives its unmistakable slurred call: pee-a-wee! —a characteristic sound of Eastern summers. These …
Eastern Wood-Pewee | Audubon Field Guide
In eastern woods in summer, the plaintive whistled pee-a-wee of this small flycatcher is often heard before the bird is seen. The bird itself is usually somewhere in the leafy middle story of …
Eastern Wood-Pewee Life History - All About Birds
The olive-brown Eastern Wood-Pewee is inconspicuous until it opens its bill and gives its unmistakable slurred call: pee-a-wee!—a characteristic sound of Eastern summers. These …
Western Wood-Pewee | Audubon Field Guide
Small and plain, but often very common, this flycatcher of western woodlands is best known by its voice. Its burry, descending whistle has a hazy sound, well suited to hot summer afternoons. …
Pewee | Migratory, Songbird, Insectivore | Britannica
Pewee, any of eight species of birds of the genus Contopus (family Tyrannidae); it is named for its call, which is monotonously repeated from an open perch. In North America a sad, clear “pee …
Eastern Wood-Pewee | State of Tennessee, Wildlife Resources Agency - TN.gov
The Eastern Wood-Pewee breeds from southeastern Canada across the eastern states and migrates to northwestern South America during the winter. Description: This medium-sized …
Greater Pewee | Audubon Field Guide
It is often seen perched on a dead twig high in a pine, watching for flying insects. In color and markings, the Greater Pewee is as plain as a bird can be; but it has a beautifully clear, …