2020年12月29日 · 东华大学游正伟教授团队使用基于动态共价交联弹性体和分层混合纳米填料设计了一种可循环利用的导电复合材料(PFBC)。 PFBC具有出色的广泛性能,包括可加工性,弹性,导电性和稳定性,优于以前用于可回收电子产品的材料,并且具有出色的机械性能和在高温,高湿,盐水和乙醇环境中展现的环境耐受性。 Diels–Alder网络的可逆分解可以方便地进行处理和回收。 经过三个循环后,PFBC的韧性仍保持在10.1 MJ m-3,在所报告的可回收电子材料中很明 …
2021年1月12日 · 东华大学游正伟教授团队设计并制备了一种基于狄尔斯-阿尔德反应(简称DA反应)的新型动态共价交联的电学弹性体PBSF-FA-BMI(PFB),该弹性体具有良好的稳定性、弹性、可加工性、可回收性和可降解性。 基于DA反应较高的特异性,制备的PFB具有很好的热塑性,且易于通过3D打印加工成电子器件。 而且,随着PFB中酶降解键的引入,这些电子产品在使用后可以降解。 通过在弹性体PFB中引入纳米级填料,可制备导电可回收复合材料(PFBC) …
Pentafluorobenzyl bromide—A versatile derivatization agent …
2017年2月1日 · Pentafluorobenzyl bromide (PFB-Br) is a versatile derivatization agent. It is widely used in chromatography and mass spectrometry since several decades. The bromide atom is largely the single leaving group of PFB-Br.
PFB-FDGlu (5-(Pentafluorobenzoylamino)Fluorescein Di-β-D …
PFB-FDGlu (5- (Pentafluorobenzoylamino) Fluorescein Di-beta-D-Glucopyranoside) is a glycosidase activity probe for live cell imaging of lysosomal glucocerebrosidase (GCase) activity. This enzyme is vital for glycolipid metabolism, and its deficiency is linked to diseases like Gaucher’s and Parkinson's.
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Pentafluorobenzyl bromide – A versatile derivatization agent in ...
3 天之前 · The utility of pentafluorobenzyl bromide (PFB-Br) as a derivatization reagent in the bioanalysis of inorganic anions including nitrite, nitrate, carbonate, halogenides, pseudo-halogenides and organophosphates has been reviewed [1].In the present article, the utility of aromatic and non-aromatic pentafluorinated derivatization reagents is discussed.
全氟丁烷 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
全氟丁烷 (英語: Perfluorobutane,缩写 PFB, IUPAC 名为 十氟丁烷 (Decafluorobutane)是 分子式 为C 4 F 10 的一种 氟碳化合物,是 正丁烷 的全氟衍生物,可取代 三氟溴甲烷 (哈龙1301)作为 气体灭火剂 [4],也可作为新一代 微泡 超声造影成像 的介质气体 [5]。 ^ Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry : IUPAC Recommendations and Preferred Names 2013 (Blue Book). Cambridge: The Royal Society of Chemistry. 2014: 33.
Unusual Derivatization of Methylmalonic Acid with …
2022年8月15日 · Pentafluorobenzyl bromide (PFB-Br) is a versatile derivatization reagent in chromatography and mass spectrometry for various organic and inorganic classes of analytes [1,2]. Derivatization reactions with PFB-Br can be performed in water-free organic solvents such as acetonitrile or in the aqueous phase.
Pseudofolliculitis barbae - Wikipedia
Pseudofolliculitis barbae (PFB) is a type of irritant folliculitis that commonly affects people who have curly or thick facial hair. [1] It occurs when hair curls back into the skin after shaving, causing inflammation, redness, and bumps.
PFB-FDGlu (GCase底物)|PFB-FDGlu, 90%-百灵威 - jkchemical.com
百灵威化学试剂平台,专业销售【PFB-FDGlu (GCase底物)】相关化学试剂。提供不同规格【PFB-FDGlu, 90%】、【5-(五氟苯甲酰氨基)荧光素-二-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖苷】、【5-(Pentafluorobenzoylamino)fluorescein di--D-glucopyranoside】现货和报价详情, 百灵威汇集了全球60余万种化学品资源 ...