Parex® CRYLANE | Topcoats - Sika
An acrylic binder paint specially designed for new and existing building façades with excellent coverage. Can be used pure or diluted with water. Exterior and interior use. Liquid comprising acrylic styrene copolymer binder in aqueous dispersion, pigments and specific admixtures.
Parex CRYLANE - PX Store
Parex Crylane is an acrylic binder paint specially designed for new and existing building facades with excellent coverage. Orders placed before midday will be processed the same day (except weekends and bank holidays) subject to stock availability.
Parex Revlane Siloxane Taloche Fin: 1.0mm 25kg PG00 Natural …
Pre-mixed, vapour permeable, ready to apply Siloxane-based decorative coating offering increased weather resistance and water run off properties, particularly suitable for high exposure and Zone 4, very severe weather rating applications. Designed for external and internal walls. Finished appearance is based upon grain size.
Pre-mixed, vapour permeable, ready to apply Siloxane based decorative coating for external and internal walls. Excellent hiding power and flexibility characteristics. REVLANE finishes are water-vapour permeable. They do not create a vapour retarder.
PG 00 店家評測圖(310樓,腳部可動修改原作者wuncin9999大大更 …
2009年10月8日 · 昨天,PG00 Raiser的組裝完成了。 今天進行了初回特典支架的組裝和照相,並且將樣品送到電裡面去展示。 本Blog完成的樣品將在Hobby Shop Midori裡面展示,住在附近的朋友們一定要去看看阿!
创意还是噩梦??高高PG00装载万代透明甲 - 百度贴吧
之前买了高高的pg00以后,就一直惦记着万代的透明初回特典,可无奈一直没机会下手,之前在贴吧里看到一位大神做过,可是也没有什么细节的解释。 所以就想自己做一个详细的,供大家参考,前两天有空正好把这玩意儿搞到手,话不多说,接下来我们开始 ...
意料之中的换色限定,PG 00高达七剑/G检察型来了! - 哔哩哔哩
2009年11月15日 · m(- -)m (译者吐槽:像我等穷人大可看看解馋~) 预定11月下旬发售的大比例模型——Perfect Grade 1/60 Scale 00 Raiser——的样品已经送到店里面了。 由于是“全装备的机体+支援机”所组成的套件,箱子十分的大(原作者注,详细情况可以参考「エプロンの人 模型制作日記」。 译者吐槽:你俩果然默契- -),感觉像是小型打印机、家用电器等装载里面一样,重量大约有5公斤左右(! ) 打开最外面的箱子,可以看到00 Gundam的盒子以及0 Raiser的盒 …
Bandai PG 1/60 00 Raiser English Manual, Color Guide & Paint
2009年11月26日 · Bandai PG 1/60 00 Raiser English Manual, Color Guide & Paint Conversion Chart I realized after I translated the PG 00 Raiser's color guide that its been quite some time already since I last translated something as part of my exercises to learn Japanese for the certification exams.
【1:60 PG00 RAISER】进度20%最后更新11月14日 - 【未完成作 …
手头上刚好有一只pg蛋蛋正在制作~赶巧xiaot有比赛~所以顺便参个赛罗~呵呵主要想在细节上做点功夫~然后换个配色~希望能在12月15日之前顺利完成~我的blog:http: ... 【1:60 PG00 RAISER】进度20%最后更新11月14日 ,小T
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