abbreviations - Should I write "PhD" or "Ph.D."? - English …
For example, my academic discipline (linguistics) traditionally employs the no-periods convention for all titles (not only PhD, MA, and BA but also Mr, Dr, and Prof), while the style enforcer at my academic institution (an American university) insists that I sprinkle periods around (for a total of 9 in my 6 examples). –
Did I "get" (or "take") my degree "from" (or "in") the University of ...
You took your degree at the University of Life. You received your degree from the University of Life. The reason is that you took it — as in studied for it — in the physical location.
What's the correct way of saying that one is pursuing a degree?
2016年10月25日 · Agree with @Mick re "study for a degree" rather than "study a degree". The latter doesn't make sense in any English I've ever heard.
"Studying PhD at the university" or "studying PhD in the university"?
2010年12月23日 · I am studying PhD in the university. In the above, both sentences are wrong. Inserting for a between studying and PhD would make sentence 1. correct. Sentence 2. would still be wrong, as in is the wrong preposition to use in this case: I am studying for a PhD at the university. [Correct] I am studying for a PhD in the university. [Wrong]
abbreviations - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
You will find that PhD Ph.D. BSc B.Sc. MSc and M.Sc. are all found. The question linked to handles this for PhD/Ph.D. but the answer covers the rest. The only thing to add to it is to be consistent, so PhD and BSc or Ph.D. and B.Sc., but not one form together with another in the same piece of writing. –
etymology - Which was the first doctor, M.D. or Ph.D.? - English ...
2012年2月8日 · But which of Ph.D. or M.D. was first referred to as a doctor? Are you saying that at the year such degree titles/letters started to be conferred, those people were already referred to as 'doctor'? And if so, then the answer boils down to …
abbreviations - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
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Use of "I", "we" and the passive voice in a scientific thesis
Possible Duplicate: Style Question: Use of “we” vs. “I” vs. passive voice in a dissertation. When the first person voice is used in scientific writing it is mostly used in the first person plural, as scientific papers almost always have more than one co-author, such as
capitalization - Capitalize fields of study? - English Language
2010年12月5日 · Do I say "I study computer science," or "I study Computer Science"? Similarly, "I really liked that computer science course," vs. "I really liked that Computer Science course."
Term for completion of a Post-graduate degree
Now, if you want to refer to someone who already received a bachelors degree and is still in the process of receiving a higher degree, the appropriate term is "graduate student." This does not have the same meaning as the term "graduate." For example, I am currently working on my Phd. Therefore, you would refer to me as a graduate student.