Ar-Pharazôn | The One Wiki to Rule Them All | Fandom
Ar-Pharazôn was the son of Gimilkhâd, leader of the King's Men during the reign of Tar-Palantir of Númenor. He grew into a man of great will, strength, and stature, and in early years was a …
Ar-Pharazôn - Tolkien Gateway
2024年6月25日 · Ar- Pharazôn the Golden was the twenty-fifth and last King of Númenor. [1] . He was the son of Gimilkhâd, who was the younger brother of the twenty-fourth King, Tar-Palantir. …
Who Is Pharazôn in 'The Rings of Power'? - Collider
2022年9月13日 · As a younger man Pharazôn won distinction as a great commander and leader with significant battlefield accomplishments in Middle-earth.
阿尔-法拉宗 - 魔戒中文维基 - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻杰诺网络科技有 …
阿尔-法拉宗 (Ar-Pharazôn)是 努门诺尔 第二十五位君王,也是最后一位君王,同时也是 努门诺尔 建国以来,权势最大也是最骄傲的国王。 他既将 努门诺尔王国 引向巅峰,同时也导致了国 …
What Happens To Ar-Pharazôn In Lord Of The Rings - Screen Rant
2024年9月18日 · Pharazôn was an absolute renegade of a leader, breaking multiple laws to seize the scepter, including laws about incest and non-consensual marriage. Tolkien didn't go into …
Pharazôn | The Rings of Power Wiki | Fandom
Pharazôn is one of the main characters of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. He is a respected Númenórean statesman and father to Kemen. Pharazón is portrayed by Trystan …
Downfall of Númenor | The One Wiki to Rule Them All | Fandom
Ar-Pharazôn, the King of Númenor, had been coerced by Sauron to assault the Undying Lands which ultimately led to the island's destruction and death of most of its people in SA 3319. …
亚尔-法拉松 - 百度百科
Ar-Pharazôn | Tolkienpedia | Fandom
Ar-Pharazôn (Tar-Calion en Quenya) conocido como el Dorado, era un dúnedain, último rey de Númenor. Hereda el trono tras desposarse por la fuerza con su prima Tar-Míriel, única hija del …
The Rings of Power: What happens to Ar-Pharazôn in the books?
2024年9月13日 · In the latest episode of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, "Halls of Stone," Ar-Pharazôn is getting used to his new role as the king of Númenor, an island nation …