Why the H145? - Vertical Aviation International
PHI is the only offshore helicopter operator flying the Airbus H145 in the Gulf of Mexico. Why add this model to its fleet? The Gulf of Mexico is home to nearly 2,000 offshore oil and gas platforms, from production rigs with a handful of personnel to sprawling drilling platforms.
H-145直升机 - 百度百科
空中客车H-145直升机是空客直升机公司瞄准市场空缺而研制的一种轻型双发多用途直升机。 于1998年开始研制,1999年6月首飞,H145于2001年5月开始交付用户使用,主要用途有搜索救援、紧急勤务、准军用/警务、专机/载客运输、货运、近海作业、航摄/新闻采访以及训练等。 H-145由双引擎驱动,机身小巧,操作灵活。 虽然如此,机舱内部空间十分充足,地面宽敞平坦,舱内可容纳8位乘客,十分舒适,内置的Stylence程序可为乘客提供高效的办公环境。
Fleet - PHI Aviation LLC
Our expansive fleet of light, medium and heavy lift helicopters includes models from major manufacturers like Bell, Airbus, Leonardo and Sikorsky, allowing us to provide our customers with the aircraft solutions that best suit their needs. Contact Us. Airbus. H175. FLEET ENTRY: 2024. RANGE:721 miles . SPEED:144 kts .
空中客车直升机公司与 PHI 签署购买 20 架 H175 和 8 架 H160 直 …
2023年9月12日 · PHI 的 空中客车 机队由 H125、H135、H145、H160 和 H175 系列直升机组成,其中 H175 是最新成员。 空客 H175 自 2015 年投入使用,属于超中型直升机,兼具远程飞行和平稳飞行品质,使其成为多种任务类型的完美解决方案,包括近海机组人员换班、公共服务以及私人和公务航空 。 目前服役的 54 架 H175 已累计飞行约 195,000 小时,其中 170,000 小时用于能源领域。 H160 被设计为能够执行多种任务的多用途直升机,集成了 空中客车 公司的最新技 …
Airbus Helicopters and PHI sign for 20 H175 and 8 H160 helicopters
Marignane – Airbus Helicopters and PHI Group (PHI) have signed a framework agreement that includes commitments for 20 super-medium H175 helicopters and 8 H160s to serve the energy market worldwide, including in the US. These 28 state-of-the-art helicopters will better position PHI to respond to the energy market’s expected growing offshore ...
H145 - Airbus
The H145 offers exceptional performance thanks to its two Safran Arriel 2E power plants, each managed by a dual full-authority digital engine control (FADEC), along with the helicopter’s upgraded main and tail rotor systems.
Hélicoptère H145 D3 à 5 pales de la Sécurité Civile française, Paris, 14 juillet 2022. La Sécurité Civile française a commandé 2 H145 en 2020, livrés en novembre 2021. Le 16 décembre 2021, commande de 2 appareils supplémentaires pour livraison en 2023.
Airbus Helicopters and PHI agree 28-helicopter ... - Helicopter …
2023年9月12日 · Airbus Helicopters and PHI Group have signed a 28-helicopter agreement that includes 20 super-medium H175 helicopters and eight H160s to serve energy markets worldwide. The deal includes both firm orders plus purchase options that PHI may exercise during the course of the agreement.
PHI to Acquire 28 Additional Airbus Helicopters | Aero-News …
2023年9月13日 · Airbus Helicopters and Petroleum Helicopters International Group (PHI) have signed a framework agreement comprising commitments for twenty super-medium H175 helicopters and eight H160 (formerly...
Our Story - PHI Aviation LLC
PHI was the first commercial helicopter operator to log the historic milestone of 1 million flight hours, and the first to use electronic data processing for parts inventory control, maintenance and records.
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