Phi - Zero Escape Wiki
Phi is a participant in the Nonary Game: Ambidex Edition and the deuteragonist of Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward. She first appears in the Elevator, along with Sigma Klim, and seems to know him, or at least his name. Phi is cold and blunt, …
Trash Disposal Room | Zero Escape Wiki | Fandom
— Phi, stuck in the incinerator. The Trash Disposal Room is an escape room that is found within the Fire fragment for D-Team. It contains an incinerator for disposing of garbage and other forms of waste. It is searched by Diana, Phi, and Sigma Klim.
Sigma Klim - Zero Escape Wiki
After the birth of "Phi", he realizes how selfish such thinking is. He no longer feels he needs to do things to be approved by or appease some divine being for earthly rewards. Despite his perversion towards Phi, Sigma doesn't appear to actually consider her that good-looking.
[VLR Spoilers] Which Phi is in ZTD? : r/ZeroEscape - Reddit
2016年3月15日 · Phi actually jumps from 'knife attack in the garden' to 'already frozen on 4/13/2029', sleeps for 45 years, then before she wakes up at the start of VLR, swaps with her 12/25/2028 self. So TECHNICALLY, no she doesn't jump right to pre-ZTD, but since she was frozen in the time between knife attack and Christmas 2028, it may as well be to her ...
About Phi and Q (ZTD end game spoilers) : r/ZeroEscape - Reddit
2017年8月4日 · There's a huge plothole over the real birth of Delta and Phi, if Delta's motivation to do that is true. (and very complex) There must then have been a timeline where Sigma and Diana must have been locked there, by someone else for another reason, where they gave birth to …
Phi Theory (It makes sense!?) *Spoilers* - GameFAQs
My theory, based on info from the Localizing Uchi segment last year, is that VLR Phi is a homunculus (created human with a consciousness shocked into its brain) and ZTD Phi is a dog. xP...
天明寺淳平 - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
天明寺 淳平 (Tenmyouji Junpei)是由 打越钢太郎 担任编剧的 Spike Chunsoft 旗下游戏《极限脱出》及其衍生作品的登场角色,在《极限脱出:9小时9人9门》中首次登场。 系列三部(即《极限脱出:9小时9人9扇门》(999)、《极限脱出:善人死亡》(VLR)、《极限脱出:零时困境》(ZTD))中均有出场。 (特指999) 游戏里你最能相信的一个人,原因的话,因为他是主角! 他将会成为玩家的分身,随着玩家操纵他的选择(即选择的门),他们会一起推进故事的发展 …
Ok, Phi... (major spoilers) - Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma
Phi being sigma's daughter is so disappointing, obvious, douchy and finally creepy as hell. Why do that when the author knows he made her as a romantic interest in VLR?!! To make matters...
Phi, Clover, Alice (SPOILER) - Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma
First, one of the biggest questions I was asking at the end of VLR is still present at the end of ZTD, WHAT THE HELL happened to Alice and Clover after the "Another time" end of VLR?
Team D | Zero Escape Wiki | Fandom
Team D, also known as D-Team, is one of three Decision Game teams along with Team C and Team Q. Its members include Diana, Sigma Klim, and Phi. Diana is the team's leader. They are represented by the color blue. Although they sometimes argue about the right course of action, the members of...