Phoenix Cluster - Wikipedia
The Phoenix Cluster (SPT-CL J2344-4243) is a massive, Abell class type I galaxy cluster located at its namesake, southern constellation of Phoenix. It was initially detected in 2010 during a 2,500 square degree survey of the southern sky using the Sunyaev–Zeldovich effect by the South Pole Telescope collaboration. [ 5 ]
Phoenix A Black Hole vs TON 618: A Comparative Study of
We will provide an overview of Phoenix A and TON 618, compare and contrast their characteristics, and delve into the methods used to study these colossal cosmic entities. By examining these two supermassive black holes, we aim to enhance our understanding of their properties, behavior, and impact on the cosmic environment.
Phoenix A - Space Wiki
Phoenix A is the equivalent of roughly 15.4% the mass of the Milky Way galaxy. It's scale is so astronomical that if we were to replace our sun with Phoenix A, it would envelop the entirety of the Solar System.
The Biggest Black Hole In The Universe - WorldAtlas
2025年3月5日 · The largest black hole ever discovered is located within the Phoenix Cluster, a galaxy cluster approximately 8.5 billion light-years away. The Phoenix Cluster is one of the most extensively studied clusters in the universe and contains about 1,000 individual galaxies, which exhibit an unusually high rate of star formation .
Phoenix A*: Insights Into The Universe’s Largest Black Hole
Phoenix A* black hole is a supermassive black hole located in the center of Phoenix A galaxy. The Phoenix A galaxy is the central galaxy of the Phoenix Cluster, a galaxy cluster located in the Phoenix constellation. Scientists believe that the Phoenix A black hole is the largest black hole known to humanity.
超级黑洞现身宇宙,最大的黑洞可以有多大? - 知乎专栏
这个超级黑洞在天空中位于凤凰座方向,距离我们大约58亿光年,位于一个名为“ 凤凰A ”(Phoenix A)的椭圆星系的中心区域,科学家根据它的气体吸积的演化模型以及星系的动力学和密度计算出,这个超级黑洞的质量大约为太阳的1000亿倍。
Phoenix A — Википедия
Phoenix A*) — сверхъяркий квазар, находящийся в центральной галактике скопления Феникса. С квазаром связана ультрамассивная чёрная дыра. Масса данного квазара ещё точно не определена.
Phoenix A: The Biggest Black Hole Ever Discovered
2024年12月17日 · This black hole, located in the centre of a galaxy called Phoenix A, is the largest one ever found. Nestled within the Phoenix Cluster, a massive group of galaxies 5.7 billion light-years away, this black hole—named Phoenix A*—has a …
屏住呼吸!这是人类第一张银河系中心黑洞——人马座A*的照片! …
2022年5月13日 · 这张照片是在亚毫米无线电波的光线下拍摄的,它证实了银河系中心确实存在一个黑洞,它正在吸食少量的氢气。 亚利桑那大学天体物理学家Feryal Özel在美国国家科学基金会新闻发布会上说:“在此之前,人类都没有直接的照片来证明我们星系中心是一个黑洞。 这张照片展示了一个围绕黑暗的明亮光环,这显示银河系中心确实存在一个黑洞。 英国达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth College)的天体物理学家瑞安·希考克斯(Ryan Hickox)并不是EHT团队的成 …
巨引源有没有可能是比ton618更大的黑洞? - 知乎
目前发现的质量超过ton618的黑洞只有一个,sdss073739(2022年9月份以后流传的是Phoeix a,位于凤凰座,距离地球约58亿光年,不清楚它们两个是不是一回事),具体资料还不清楚,是属于新发现的,也不过是达到了1040亿倍太阳质量,比ton618重57%,达到了银河系质量 ...