Multimode Photo-CSTR (Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor) Setup …
2023年11月15日 · We designed a photo-continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) protocol for heterogeneous photocatalytic processes, which is capable of multiphasic processes with excellent adaptability.
Readily Reconfigurable Continuous-Stirred Tank Photochemical …
2021年12月22日 · A new modular photochemical continuous stirred-tank reactor (CSTR) design is described, based upon the development of light-source units that can be fitted to the previously described fReactor CSTR platform.
A Laser Driven Flow Chemistry Platform for Scaling Photochemical ...
2019年1月7日 · We have developed a simple and versatile continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) equipped with a high-intensity laser to drive photochemical reactions at unprecedented rates in continuous flow, achieving kg/day throughput using a 100 mL reactor.
Multiphase photochemistry in flow mode via an integrated …
2024年7月4日 · To overcome this issue, we turned our attention to a newly developed photochemical CSTR module that is compatible with standardised commercial flow reactors such as the Vapourtec E-Series and R-Series flow systems.
2023年11月30日 · 作者开发了一种串联微釜光反应器,同时适用于均相和非均相体系;同时,作者开发了非均相光催化剂负载的策略,并通过离子液体和各类多相光催化体系进一步实验验证其广谱应用,适用于各类多相光催化的克级规模反应。 反应器设计: 1)依据LED光源与反应温度的关联数据,作者设计了LED光源底部照射,以空气对流控制LED和釜体温度;2)为了高效放大批次加料,作者设计了带有三个进出口的釜体,可进行水平/垂直方向之间的灵活切换,兼容多相和缓 …
Photochemical flow CSTR - Vapourtec
The CSTR allows thermally- or catalyst-mediated reactions in continuous flow using a cascade of reactors. Adding the LED option provides access to photochemically mediated reactions. The potential for exploring novel chemical space is increased by allowing the use of solid catalysis or by enabling reactions that generate solid products or solid ...
用于多相光催化过程的多模式 Photo-CSTR(连续搅拌釜反应器) …
我们设计了一种用于非均相光催化过程的光连续搅拌釜反应器(cstr)方案,该方案能够进行多相过程,具有出色的适应性。 此外,玻璃棉支撑的光催化剂被成功制造、应用和回收至少12次,苯硼酸羟基化的反应活性没有任何降低,从而能够在光CSTR中高效进行克 ...
Scalability of photochemical reactions in continuous flow mode
2021年5月17日 · In order to utilise this reactivity in a scalable manner, the Jensen group developed a continuous stirred-tank reactor (CSTR) system for carrying out photochemical reactions . The reaction reported by MacMillan required the presence of an insoluble inorganic base, which typically is incompatible with carrying out reactions in a continuous ...
Exploring the viability of a floating photocatalyst in a continuous ...
2023年10月20日 · The use of photocatalysts in continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) systems allows for efficient and continuous water treatment, thus meeting the demand for scalable technology and comparative data in large-scale implementations.
Expanding horizons with photochemical CSTR + LED module
2024年2月2日 · Vapourtec has introduced an LED module designed to enhance the capabilities of their recently launched CSTR (continuous stirred tank reactor) and increase the scope for new reactions. The module allows the CSTR to undertake reagentless photochemical reactions and increases the scope of continuous flow photochemistry through excellent handling ...