Norwegian Photographer Mette Tronvoll Captures The Decisive
6 天之前 · Photo Øystein Thorvaldsen. ©Mette Tronvoll BONO Tronvoll sets out to examine the notion of time through photography, and her cinematic, analog images capture the timeless nature and landscape of ...
Bertel Thorvaldsen, N267 - Thorvaldsens Museums Catalogue
The French photographer Neubourg’s unique daguerreotype of Thorvaldsen from 1840 is the first portrait photograph in Denmark. The revealing photographic portrait of Thorvaldsen the man provides a completely different impression of Denmark’s great sculptor from that suggested by the numerous portrait paintings of the time.
The Thorvaldsen daguerreotype: History of Photography: Vol 1, …
An important photographic exhibition was held in the Industripalats in Stockholm from 3rd to 18th November 1894, and among the notable items on display was an old wholeplate daguerreotype portrait of the famous Danish sculptor Albert Thorvaldsen.
Ein unerwünschtes Bild? - Arkivet, Thorvaldsens Museum
Für die Thorvaldsen-Forschung ist diese Daguerreotypie besonders interessant, da sie als fotografisches Bild – im Gegensatz zu den auf Statusrepräsentation bedachten Darstellungen in Gemälden und Plastiken – einen anderen Entwurf vom Aussehen des Künstlers überliefert I.
Bertel Thorvaldsen - Flickr
Copenhagen 1770-Copenhagen 1844
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Thorvaldsens Museum, Copenhagen
2024年1月2日 · The culmination of a project to turn sculptor Bertel Thorvaldsen into a national icon for the emerging Danish nation-state–Thorvaldsen as a sort of Danish demigod with this museum-tomb as his pantheon–this is a distinctive example of national mythmaking, architectural innovation, and adaptive reuse.
Selfportraits of Thorvaldsen - The Thorvaldsens Museum Archives
Self-portraits by Thorvaldsen. The self-portraits from 1794, 1810, and 1838 can be considered as statements of the artist’s view of himself as well as reflections of the world’s expectations of him.
Thorvaldsens Museum. ~1910 postcard / 2023 photo. : …
2024年1月2日 · The culmination of a project to turn sculptor Bertel Thorvaldsen into a national icon for the emerging Danish nation-state–Thorvaldsen as a sort of Danish demigod with this museum-tomb as his pantheon–this is a distinctive example of national mythmaking, architectural innovation, and adaptive reuse.
The Pygmalion Syndrome Art Gallery: Bertel Thorvaldsen
I have studied the sculpture of Bertel Thorvaldsen for many years so can add a little to your information on the “Shepherd Boy”. Thorvaldsen’s original full sized plaster model survives in the Thorvaldsen Museum in Copenhagen where I have photographed it.
National Geographic, among the most representative photos of …
2021年6月1日 · National Geographic has included two images from Intesa Sanpaolo in a special issue chronicling 2020: among the fifty-four images considered the most representative of the past year, the international edition of the famous magazine of articles and photo reports selected a shot from the exhibition Canova Thorvaldsen.