Shaiapouf - Hunterpedia | Fandom
Shaiapouf (シャウアプフ, Shauapufu), nicknamed Pouf (プフ, Pufu), was a butterfly-humanoid Chimera Ant and one of the Chimera Ant King 's Royal Guards. He also served as one of the …
The Antithesis of Change: An Analysis of Shaiapouf's Character
2023年7月26日 · Shaiapouf is presented as a butterfly. As a Chimera Ant, his visual features directly oppose the sly, catlike nature of Neferpitou and the brutish, power-hungry appearance …
HUNTER×HUNTER角色列表 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
本列表為日本漫畫家 冨樫義博 所創作的少年漫畫作品《HUNTER×HUNTER》中登場人物介紹。 如無特別介紹僅有一位為新版聲優。 本作男主角。 性格純樸、善良、天真開朗。 想法過於天 …
Character analysis: Pouf : r/HunterXHunter - Reddit
2016年2月2日 · Pouf is a manipulator, he is also the royal guard the most of nen abilities: He has his butterfly's hypnotizing scales. His Beelzebub which allow him to creates clones with his …
Royal Guards - Hunterpedia | Fandom
Like other Chimera Ants, the Royal Guards are born through phagogenesis, but are genetically stronger than any other soldier Ant due to their position on the Chimera Ant hierarchy, and …
HUNTER×HUNTER角色列表 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
2025年2月14日 · 本列表為日本漫畫家 冨樫義博 所創作的少年漫畫作品《HUNTER×HUNTER》中登場人物介紹。 如無特別介紹僅有一位為新版聲優。 本作男主角。 性格純樸、善良、天真開 …
Hunter x Hunter: How Shaiapouf and Neferpitou Foiled One …
2022年9月26日 · Pouf was one of the most devoted ants to Meruem, but the irony of his character is that he was also the most disloyal. He upheld Meruem to an unrealistic standard for what …
《魔装学园H×H》是自称“纯情且清心寡欲”的久慈政宗“努力写出的情色故事”,并在初投稿时“稍微压抑了一些情色要素”, [2] 故事原型来自2012年第18回“Sneaker大赏”优秀赏受赏作的《ソウ …
Hunter × Hunter - Wikipedia
Hunter × Hunter (pronounced "hunter hunter" [4]) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yoshihiro Togashi. It has been serialized in Shueisha 's shōnen manga …
Neferpitou | Hunterpedia | Fandom
Neferpitou (ネフェルピトー, Neferupitō), nicknamed Pitou (ピトー, Pitō), was a cat-humanoid Chimera Ant and the firstborn of the Chimera Ant King 's three Royal Guards. They also …