The Bizarre Origins of Phra Upakut - The Not So Innocents Abroad
2017年5月24日 · Phra Upakut is an important figure in Burma, Northern Thailand and Laos. He is a benevolent deity who protects against all evils and physical harm and is an auspicious …
Phra Upakhut, the Protector - Chiang Mai à La Carte
2021年7月20日 · Phra Upakhut, the Protector In many temples, in North Thailand, you will see a statue of Phra Upakhut (พระอุปคุต) aka Phra Buakhem(พระบัวเข็ม). It is an image of a monk …
Kata Pra Upakut (Pra Bua Khem) – Thailand Amulets
Pra Upakut was a Monk in the times of Maharaja Asoka the Indian king who first promoted Buddhism. In this time Buddhism was experiencing a lot of disarray and downfall because a lot …
Luang Pu Yim - Phra Upakut - SCK AMULETS
Phra Upakut or Phra Bua Khem was an Arahant who the Buddha praised for his great magical powers, and who was said by the Lord Buddha to be the most powerful of all the Arahants. …
Lucky BOBI: Thai Buddha Amulets: Phra Upakut (Phra Bua Khem) …
2013年5月8日 · The arahant "Phra Upakut" is highly venerated by worshippers in Myanmar, Khmer, and Northern Thailand. Legend has it that Phra Upakut was born 200-or-so years after …
Worshiping Phra Upakhut in Contemporary Thailand
2018年10月18日 · Belief, legend and ritual concerning Phra Upakhut (Upagutta), one of the Buddhist legendary figures, has long been transmitted in traditional Thai society. As a magical …
ZapMonster Amulets Tale: Legend of Phra Uppha Khut/Phra Opakut …
2011年12月20日 · Phra OPaKut is a very famous Phra A-Ra-Hunt in Indian. The record showed that Phra OPaKut appear after Lord Buddha pass away 200 year. Phra OPaKut is highly …
龙婆多2514水财神 _ 暹罗缘
龙婆多2514水财神 水财神又称乌巴库(Phra Opakut)佛陀,是一尊超级会招财的致富佛。 在古代的泰国、缅甸、柬埔寨,乌巴库是众所周知的招财佛。 乌巴库尊者是古印度一位阿罗汉,被 …
Lucky BOBI: Thai Buddha Amulets: Phra Opakut
2012年10月4日 · From legendary stories, Phra Opakut was known as a Buddha who is good in attracting wealth. It is famous especially during ancient Thai, Myanmar and Cambodia. …
龍堪婆潘 佛歷2545年 財水神... - 泰神殿 วัดไทย 佛牌/聖物/法事
龍堪婆潘 佛歷2545年 財水神 水財神稱又烏巴庫(Phra Opakut)在古代泰的國、緬甸、柬埔寨,烏庫巴是眾所周知的「招財佛」。 烏巴尊庫者是古印度一阿位羅漢,稱被為「水中生財佛」。