Phrap by CodonCode Corporation - Fast Sequence Assembly for …
CodonCode Corporation offers Windows and Mac OS X versions of Phrap and Phred, Phil Green's programs for sequence assembly, and quality base calling. The programs Phrap, and …
Phred, Phrap, and Consed
Consed/Autofinish is a tool for viewing, editing, and finishing sequence assemblies created with phrap. Finishing capabilities include allowing the user to pick primers and templates, …
Phrap - Wikipedia
Phrap is a widely used program for DNA sequence assembly. It is part of the Phred -Phrap- Consed package. Phrap was originally developed by Prof. Phil Green for the assembly of …
Phred and Phrap - quality base calling and fast sequence
PHRAP uses PHRED's quality scores to determine highly accurate consensus sequences. PHRAP examines all individual sequences at a given position, and generally uses the highest …
Phred and Phrap for Windows - quality base calling and fast …
Phrap and Phred for Windows Fast sequence assembly on your desktop. CodonCode Corporation offers Windows versions of Phrap and Phred, Phil Green's programs for fast …
Phrap使用方法 | Public Library of Bioinformatics
Phrap ("phragment assembly program", or "phil's revised assembly program"), Phrap是由华盛顿大学分子生物技术学院的Phil Green和Brent Ewing开发的phred\phrap软件包的一部分,主要 …
Phrap 与Phred使用方法快速入门 | Public Library of Bioinformatics
phred\phrap 软件包由华盛顿大学 分子生物技术学院的 Phil Green 和 Brent Ewing 开发,主要用于学术科研活动。 Phred 能处 理测序仪直接生成的色谱图,并且产生相关的信息。
2017年9月4日 · Blast(Basic Local Alignment Search Tool)用于快速查找序列相似性,而Phrap则是一款用于组装短序列的工具,它能够处理从测序实验中得到的碎片数据,进而拼接 …
Phrap is designed to be able to use all of each read sequence in the assembly, not just the trimmed (highest quality) part, so the full sequence of each read should be provided when …
phrap软件使用方法 - 豆丁网
2012年9月14日 · phrap("phragmentassemblyprogram",or"phil'srevisedassemblyprogram"),Phrap是由华 盛顿 …