Pi-Lit - IoT Motorist Safety Network Technology
We are applying wireless networks to improve safety on every mile driven. Whether on rural roads or commuter lanes, pi-lit® is delivering smart tools today and defining the vision for tomorrow.
Smart Sequential Road Flares - Road Safety - Pi-Lit
The pi-lit® ‘smart flare’ incorporate an innovative radio-linked network to automatically sequence the flash. Approaching drivers see a sequentially-lit string of flares much like a runway landing strip that guides traffic around the incident or work zone.
Shop Products - Connected Roadway Emergency Services - Pi-Lit
With all the red, blue and white flashing lights at an emergency scene the pi-lit® Landing Zone kit LED's stand out in stark relief as flashing green. This enables the pilot to immediately see the obstacle-free LZ site.
Sequential Barricade Lamps - Work Zone Safety Products - Pi-Lit
pi-lit’s sequential barricade lamps creates a “runway” like approach light for lane closures leading into a work zone. The sequential flash pattern assist the driver to quickly and positively identify distances and direction of an upcoming lane closure. At 70mph, drivers should not have to guess.
Products By Type - IoT Connected Roadway - Pi-Lit
Find Pi-Lit products by industry, Smart Work Zone Products, Sequential Barricade Lamps, Impact Detection Systems and more
Smarter Cone by pi-lit® - Pi-Lit
A stackable, rechargeable, permanent cone lamp that utilizes pi-lit's sequential technology to provide motorist with more guidance and less visual noise/chaos. Don't Settle for Outdated Traffic Control Methods
Sequential Cone-Top Lamps - Pi-Lit
pi-lit’s® Sequential Cone-Top Lamps sit on top of a standard traffic cone. This raises the device 8 inches higher than the top of the cone, creating a more effective warning when compared to other lamps that mount lower on the outside of the cone.
Smart IR Med-Evac Landing Zone Kit - Pi-Lit
pi-lit®’s Smart LZ Flares are radio connected and flash in unison, creating a larger, easily identifiable area for the pilot to see. With a cacophony of police, fire, and ambulance lights in close proximity, pilots rely on pi -lit® Smart LZ Kit for a safe landing.
Demo Smart Sequential Road Flares by pi-lit | Made in USA
Learn more about pi-lit's smart sequential road flares. Buy the best road safety solution to protect your teams on the road. Available in bulk orders.
Traditional Warning Lamps - Work Zone Safety Lamps - Pi-Lit
Was once C&C Signal; then Checkers Industrial Safety; now pi-lit®. Selection of simple, reliable warning lamps for any situation. Type AC, Type B, and Type D style warning lamps. Low-cost, long battery life with solar re-charge optional.