Pi-Star is a software image built initially for the Raspberry Pi (produced by the Raspberry Pi Foundation). The design concept is simple, provide the complex services and configuration for Digial Voice on Amateur radio in a way that makes it easily accessable to anyone just starting out, but make it configurable enough to be interesting for ...
Pi-Star Downloads - pistar.uk
2024年2月5日 · so when you booted your Pi-Star for the very first time, the AP will come up called "Pi-Star-Setup" and will have NO security set, no PSK etc to make it easy to connect. WHY - to make the setup simple, and it fits well with the captive portal …
Pi-Star (MMDVM) | BrandMeister USA
Start by opening your preferred web browser and enter http://pi-star.local or http://pi-star or the IP address of the hotspot if you know it. You will be then presented with the following page (Dashboard).
How to setup your pi-star hotspot for the first time
That's it, use the ip address of the device or http://pi-star.local/admin/ to log into the hotspot from here on out. Here is what your pi-star hotspot dashboard should look like If it's not green something is wrong, yellow indicates one or more passwords are wrong
Cannot find pistar.local - forum.pistar.uk
2018年4月11日 · Checking one very basic thing: the actual address should be http://pi-star.local/ (with a hyphen).
Pi-Star initial set up - DVMEGA Hotspot
Please connect your unit running the Pi-Star image on the same LAN (local-area network). Open your browser and type pistar.local or the IP address designated by your router in the address bar.
Open your browser and type pi-star.local or the IP address designated by your router in the address bar. Please enter the default username (pi-star) and password (raspberry) on the pop-up window.
Setting up a PI-Star MMDVM hotspot node with a Raspberry PI
2021年6月21日 · The PI should boot with the usual rainbow screen, the default login is pi-star and the password raspberry. We will change these soon. To find out what IP address your pi is on type ifconfig and hit return. If you are connected via ethernet you will be able to type http://pi-star.local into a browser and access the dashboard as below -
Pi-Star Set Up - qsl.net
Pi-Star is a software image built initially for the Raspberry Pi (produced by the Raspberry Pi Foundation).
pi-star.local - forum.pistar.uk
2020年10月12日 · First off I managed to get my Pi-star working on my 1Gb Pi 3. It seemed to work well with the configuration. It seemed to take all commands and the lights came on when I transmitted on DMR. So I tried the shutdown on the pi-star.local/ . Worked well. It …