皮影戏(Shadow Puppets),又称“影子戏”或“灯影戏”,是一种以兽皮或纸板做成的人物剪影以表演故事的民间戏剧。 表演时,艺人们在白色幕布后面,一边操纵影人,一边用当地流行的曲调讲述故事,同时配以打击乐器和弦乐,有浓厚的乡土气息。 其流行范围极为广泛,并因各地所演的声腔不同而形成多种多样的皮影戏。 皮影戏是中国民间古老的传统艺术,老北京人都叫它“驴皮影”。 据史书记载,皮影戏始于西汉,兴于唐朝,盛于清代,元代时期传至西亚和欧洲,可谓历史悠 …
What Is Shadow Puppet Play? (Pi Ying Xi) - Son Of China
2022年3月6日 · Chinese shadow puppetry, also called Shadow Play or palace performance, can be defined as one of the remarkable theatrical art performances common in China, involving the use of the shadows of puppets that are cast on a large screen.
Chinese Shadow Puppetry: History, Show and Art
2024年10月11日 · Shadow puppetry, or Shadow Play, was very popular during the Tang (618 - 907) and Song (960 - 1279) dynasties in many parts of China. Shadow puppets were first made of paper sculpture, later from the leather of donkeys or oxen. That's why their Chinese name is pi ying, which means shadows of leather.
用外语讲中国故事 | 皮影:Shadow Puppetry - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2025年3月11日 · Pi ying represents interesting stories with lively songs and shadows produced by lights. It is the earliest animated technique in the world. The images are always made of patterned donkey leather sewn with thread. The bodily movements and facial expressions of the puppets are created by bamboo sticks. Pi ying tells stories with traditional ...
同朝皮影 - 百度百科
皮影 艺术是一种非常古老的传统戏曲形式。 源于中国秦汉时期,盛行于唐代。曾在陕西的 大荔 、 朝邑 乃至 华阴 、 华县 、 渭南 一带甚为活跃。 皮影是民间“皮影戏”,也叫“影戏”、“灯影戏”、“土影戏”,是一种用兽皮雕刻制成的人物形象,活跃于 舞台 。 这种人物形象,起初用厚纸 ...
Chinese Shadow Puppet Show - China Fact Tours
Shadow puppet silhouettes were first made of paper sculpture, later from the hides of konkeys or oxen. That's why the Chinese name for shadow puppet silhouette is "pi ying", which means shadows of hides or leather. Shadow puppetry was very popular during the Tang and Song dynasties in many parts of China.
Chinese Traditional Puppetry (Pi Ying Xi) 皮影戏 - YouTube
2022年1月20日 · Pi Ying Xi or Chinese shadow puppetry is also called Yingzixi (a play of shadow) or Dengyingxi (a play of light and shadow). In Mandarin, it is a popular ope...
皮影戏 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2025年3月7日 · 皮影戏,又称 影子戏、灯影戏、皮猴戏[1],以兽皮镂雕的人物剪影,平面的、关节可动的,透过签杆来操控戏偶,并将其置于光源与半透明屏幕之间,搭配剧本、音乐、口白,来叙说 故事 的传统 表演艺术。 [2] 在过去 电影 、 电视 等 媒体 尚未发达的年代,皮影戏曾是十分受欢迎的民间娱乐活动之一。 皮影戏在世界上许多国家地区的文化中都存在,在 东南亚,尤其是 印度尼西亚 、 马来西亚 、 泰国 和 柬埔寨;在 中国 、 印度 、 尼泊尔 与 伊朗,皮影戏为古老 …
Chinese Shadow Puppetry Facts and Stories (Video) - China …
Traditionally, Chinese shadow puppets are made from animal skins that are processed and scraped to be very thin and translucent. For this reason, the Chinese name for puppetry is “pi ying xi”, which is literally meant as “leather shadow play.” The size of shadow puppets varies from some 20 cm to one meter.
传统文化|用英语介绍本土文化之Shadow play(皮影戏)
2022年8月17日 · 皮影戏(shadow play), 一门古老的中国传统民间艺术,是世界上最早由人配音(dub )的活动影画艺术。 这门古老的艺术流行范围极为广泛。 千百年来,给祖祖辈辈的人带来了许多欢乐的时光。 皮影戏所用的幕影原理,以及表演形式,对近代电影的发明和发展也起到了重要的先导作用。 几年前,皮影戏被列入联合国教科文组织人类非物质文化遗产名录(UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists)。 Shadow play is a form of Chinese folk art with a long …
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