How can I calculate pi (π) in VB? - Stack Overflow
2012年6月11日 · Voting to close, since "how do I get the value of pi" is so trivial as to be a useless question, and "how do I calculate pi" is not programming related. The question is sufficiently ambiguous that who knows which one he means.
excel - 2*WorksheetFunction.Pi VS 2*3.14159265358979 (value of …
2022年5月27日 · The first result is the more accurate result looking at the longer value of PI (2 * 3.141592653589793 = 6.283185307179 586 which would round to 59). Any explanation for the above, and is it possible to manually use a longer value of Pi in VBA?
DataLink Function VBA Code - AVEVA
Can anyone provide a full list of all the functions within DataLink, that are exposed to VBA (and therefore become available to be used in a macro) other than just the “ ResizeRange” used in the following script?
VBA Code to Fill A Range with PI Values (Very Fast!) - AVEVA
8 years ago by JamesDevine At various times my colleagues and I have encountered extended processing times populating a range in an Excel spreadsheet with timestamps and PI Interpolated Values using either a VBA loop to write a value to each row, or using PI Datalink. This tool can speed things up a lot. This sub-routine builds an array of data, and defines a range in the spreadsheet. Then ...
VBA Code to Connect To Your PI Server and Output the Name
This simple VBA code snippet will allow you to connect to your PI Data Archive and populate a target cell with the PI Data Archive Name. You will first need to add the following "references" in your VBA Code.
Pulling data from PI DataLink using VBA - Stack Overflow
I am pulling huge amount of data from PI Server using VBA. I am using the following code: **Dim myValues As PIValues Set myValues = PIMath.GetInterpolatedValues_Point (inputPIPoint, PIMath.
How to use PI Web API with VBA - Introduction - AVEVA
I would like also to give a special thanks to Tim Hall, his VBA-tools library is just amazing! His work his licensed under MIT License, this one of the most permissive license, you can do pretty much anything with it. Edit 2016-05-27: Did you ever try calling PI Web API from VBA within ProcessBook itself?
Use PIAdvCalcExpVal () in Excel VBA - AVEVA
What I did to "emulate" a multi thread Excel. I wrote a VBA code to loop a list of TAGs. For each TAG I create a .vbs file. This .vbs file is responsible to get the value of the PI TAG (like the function I pasted in my previous post). So my VBA creates this file, open it, so the task move to windows, and Excel move to the next.
PI Procesbook 2015 R3- VBA/Macros not working - AVEVA
PI ProcessBook UpvoteUpvotedDownvoted Answer Share 4 answers 1.13K views John Messinger (Partner) 5 years ago VBA was removed as a default installation component in ProcessBook 2015 R3 - see this KB article:
Query Pi data into MS Excel using VBA - AVEVA
I'm trying to automate PI sampled data queries through Excel VBA into a spreadsheet to analyze different evaporators at my plant. The main thing that would be changing are the PI tags. Would someone have a sample subroutine for making a sampled data query in VBA? UpvoteUpvotedDownvoted Answer Share 4 answers 1.38K views …