Pressure differential is the difference between the pressure exerted on the inside of the receptacle or packaging and the pressure on the outside. The appropriate test method should be selected based on receptacle or packaging type.
PI650 air transport - UN3373.com
The text of United Nations Packing Instruction 650, in use for the transport of infectious substances in category B assigned to UN 3373 by all surface modes of transport is reproduced below. The various provisions mentioned are set out in the United Nations Model Regulations.
Pressure differential is the difference between the pressure exerted on the inside of the receptacle or packaging and the pressure on the outside. The appropriate test method should be selected based on receptacle or packaging type.
Acceptable test methods include any method that produces the required pressure differential between the inside and outside of a primary receptacle or a secondary packaging. The test may be conducted using internal hydraulic or pneumatic pressure …
2022年12月1日 · PI650には、「生物由来物質 カテゴリーB(国連番号UN 3373)」に分類される輸送物を、貨客混在、あるいは貨物専用の機体で運搬する際の包装(梱包)要件が記載されています。 輸送物の容積/重量制限や、1次/2次包装の強度、ラベル等、航空輸送時に厳守すべき事項がまとめられておりますので、どうぞご参照ください。 ※なお、カテゴリーAに分類される感染性物質には、PI650よりも厳しいPI620の要件が適用されます。 お困りごとはございませ …
If your material is infectious, but doesn’t meet the criteria for inclusion in Category A, then you can use packing instruction 650 to transport your material by air per the ICAO & IATA regulations. You cannot use this packing instruction if your material does not meet the definition of a Biological Substance, Category B.
Packagings shall be constructed and closed to prevent any loss of contents that might be caused under normal conditions of carriage by vibration or by changes in temperature, humidity or pressure. (2) The packaging shall consist of at least three components: (a) a primary receptacle; (b) a secondary packaging; and. (c) an outer packaging.
卫生部及各地疾病预防控制中心发运的感染性物质运输的操作程序_ …
包装说明 650(PI650) P.I. 650 适用于 UN3373 在客机和货机以及仅限货机装载。 一般要求: 包装必须质量优良,具有足够强度以承受运输中的震动与负荷,包括运输工具之间、运 输工具与仓库之间的转运,集装板或合成包装件的分解以及随后的人工或机械作业中正常的 震动与载荷。 包装必须严格制作并密封,以防止在正常运输条件下由于振动、温度、湿度或 压力的改变所造成内装物的任何漏失。 包装应由三部分组成: (a) (b) (c) 一个或多个主容器; 一个辅助容器;和 一个 …
100108_PT_InstructionsShipment_PI650 Page 1 of 2 The text of United Nations Packing Instruction 650, in use for the transport of infectious substances in category B assigned to UN 3373 by all surface modes of transport is reproduced below. The various provisions mentioned are set out in the United Nations Model Regulations.
pi650包装标准 - 百度文库
pi650包装标准 PI 650的包装标准可能因不同的产品或公司而有所不同。然而,一般来说,PI 650可能涉及以下包装标准: 1.包装材料:选择适合产品的包装材料,以确保产品的安全运输和储存。常见的包装材料包括纸箱、泡沫、气泡膜、防潮袋等。