Piano Metronome - Online and Free
Free online Piano metronome with sound and visual beats. Set tempo, beats per minute, time signature. Mouse and touch controls with tap beat counter.
- 评论数: 455
Online metronome - Musicca
Free online metronome with audio and visual beats. Select the number of beats per minute (BPM) or tap the tempo. A great way to practice.
线上节拍器 - 音乐在线工具乐理工具 - Piano Abrsm
Free online metronome, type or tap BPM - SoundGrail
Free online metronome for keeping time during your practice. Type or tap a BPM and select any time signature. Learn to play piano and guitar easier!
在线节拍器 - 免费 BPM 节拍器 - Metronome Online
在线节拍器是一个简单而强大的工具,可以帮助您将时间留在音乐中。 该设备通常测量每分钟节拍数 (bpm) 并将其显示在屏幕上,让您可以设置歌曲的节奏。 它还具有显示节拍编号的选项。
- 评论数: 2743
Virtual Piano Online | Play Piano Keyboard to Learn Music
Virtual Piano lets you play a piano keyboard simulator online, by touch, mouse or PC keyboard, and with any device. The best way to learn music theory is to play a piano keyboard. Play the Virtual Piano, you'll learn chords and scales.
Beatmate - Free Online Metronome App with Subdivisions
Quick adjustment buttons allow for precise control from 60 to 240 BPM. Easily find the right pace by tapping along to your preferred beat. The intelligent tap detection system calculates the perfect tempo for your practice. Track your practice duration with the built-in session timer.
Free Online Metronome - Berklee College of Music
A simple free online metronome. Control the BPM, the time signature, and the volume. Great for a piano metronome, or a visual metronome.
Online Metronome - A free tool to keep in time
This free online metronome plays a click at the tempo, in beats per minute (bpm), which is specified in the input field. Metronomes are useful when practicing an instrument, or when working on your sense of rhythm. It is a helpful tool for both …
BPM换算器 - 音乐人工具箱 - AutoPiano
BPM换算器 BPM简介. BPM是Beat Per Minute的简称,中文名为拍子数,释义为每分钟节拍数的单位。最浅显的概念就是在一分钟的时间段落之间,所发出的声音节拍的数量,这个数量的单位便是BPM。 一般情况下,我们会把BPM或者Tempo称为拍速。 节拍简介
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