PICIS Critical Care Manager - DigitalVA
PICIS Critical Care Manager software is used to identify and assess patient patterns and potential intensive care unit (ICU) complications. This software automates the collection of patient vitals and data through the connectivity to medical monitoring devices and intravenous pumps.
REACH VA Solutions for Patients: Veteran Patient Care Software - picis…
Reach your modernization goals throughout the patient perioperative journey with Picis solutions for VA patients. Check out our patient care software now.
Surgery Management System | Picis Clinical Solutions
Picis surgical patient management software systems sync data from devices across the perioperative suite and helps clinicians surface patterns and insights that help optimize patient flow while delivering focused care. Turn hospitals into …
Picis Perioperative Solutions - DigitalVA
Picis Perioperative Solution, is an end-to-end software solution that assists hospital surgical units by creating a business operation that contributes to the overall health of the hospital. The technology provides analytics and reporting solutions for hospital data as well as patient tracking and supply automation to enhance the quality of care.
2013年1月10日 · ; Picis solutions are live in numerous VA medical centers integrated tightly with VistA and CPRS. ; Picis offers rapid deployment options, with configurations tested and proven in VA medical centers. ; Picis allows VISNs to deploy across multiple hospitals using a single database, for simpler and more cost-effective management.
Anesthesia Manager (ARK) – VA
Implement best practices with configurable anesthesia record keeping (ARK) software that supports VA custom workflow, documentation requirements and VistA/CPRS integration. The system easily manages large volumes of data and assembles key information to create one contiguous patient record.
Clinical Surveillance: Enhancing Data in VA Health Systems - Bitscopic
By integrating Picis data into Bitscopic’s Clinical Surveillance system, PraedAlert, VA hospitals can access perioperative, ICU, acute care, long-term care, and outpatient data from a single application.
REACH VA Solutions for Patients: Veteran Patient Care Software - picis…
Reach your modernization goals throughout the patient perioperative journey with Picis solutions for VA patients. Check out our patient care software now.
Picis OR Manager - DigitalVA
PICIS Operating Room (OR) Manager is a patient information management system that is used to schedule surgery, maximize block utilization with a smart scheduling manager, optimize tissue and supplies use with physician and electronic procedure preference/pick cards, implement quickly with built-in best practice documentation, analyze and report ...
Government Scheduling Software | VA Medical Center Software - Picis
Picis is a provider of clinical software solutions to over 70 Federal Medical Centers and Clinics to optimize their perioperative, anesthesia, and critical care environments in workflows.