“pick your battles”的含义 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年4月24日 · 直译为“选择你的战场”,意思是要有所取舍,放弃不重要的事情,花精力在重要的事情上。 People use the term “pick your battles” to suggest that people would be well-advised to select a specific issue of importance to focus on, rather than trying to …
戰爭相關片語:「勝敗乃兵家常事」、「打一場沒有勝算的仗」英 …
2019年5月22日 · choose your battles; 也可以說:pick your battles,字面意思是「選擇你的戰役」,也就是「不要隨便跟別人起衝突」。例如: Choose your battles wisely. You know he was just trying to pick a fight.(明智地挑選你的戰役。你知道他只是在試圖挑釁惹事。
Pick your battles - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
To choose not to participate in minor, unimportant, or overly difficult arguments, contests, or confrontations, saving one's strength instead for those that will be of greater importance or where one has a greater chance of success. As a parent, you learn to pick your battles with your kids so you don't run yourself ragged with nagging them.
Pick Your Battles: Definition, Meaning, And Origin - US Dictionary
2023年6月22日 · The idiom "pick your battles" means to choose which conflicts are worth our time and energy, rather than attempting to fight every perceived wrong. It suggests focusing on what truly matters and avoiding unnecessary confrontations.
"Pick your battle "是什么意思? -关于英语 (美国)(英文)
"Pick your battles" is advice to not do things unnecessarily if they'll cause harm. For example, if someone is very principled, they might have a hard time not arguing about things that don't matter that much, and not having energy for important things. That person would be told to …
有选择性地进行纠缠... Pick Your Battles - 可可英语
2022年1月11日 · " To pick your battles " means to fight over the really major things and let the rest go. “ To pick your battles ”的意思是,在真正重要的事情上纠缠,让其他的事情顺其自然。 Jonathan is very wise. I know. 乔纳森非常睿智。 这点我知道。 And that's English in a Minute. 以上就是本期的《一分钟英语》。 世界里只剩下... To Eat, Drink and Sleep (Something) 2022-01-07.
"pick your battles"是什么意思? -关于英语 (美国)(英文)
ex.) You pick your battles and strategize when you are up against a stronger opponent.
Choose Your Battles - My English Pages
To live a healthier life, you have to learn to choose your battles. Be wise and pick your battles – fight the most important battles and let go of the rest. Successful politicians choose their battles wisely. This idiom is in the war category.
中文有没有一个说法能表达英语的“pick your battles”? | HiNative
选择性地战斗 or 见机行事|一技而专 It means "to pick a specific skill to focus on (and master it)", not so exactly the same but kind of close(maybe?).
请教我使用 "Pick your battles. "的例句。 | HiNative
Dad: Well, hon, at least she stopped stealing. Sometimes you just gotta pick your battles