What is a Pico fuse and how does it work? - Forum for Electronics
2010年1月25日 · Pico fuse Hi marco, Pico fuse is a serie from littlefuse and so far I know is only a miniaturized form of ...
Pico fuse vs fast blow fuse - Forum for Electronics
2016年6月9日 · The question makes no sense. Picofuse is just a form factor, available with different characteristics, e.g. FF and SB. You need to compare the characteristic of the presently used fuse with the possible replacement part.
Watchdog timer IC for ESPESP32-PICO-V3-02 - Forum for Electronics
2025年3月3日 · Watchdog timer IC for ESPESP32-PICO-V3-02. Thread starter srohini; Start date Mar 3, 2025; Mar 3, 2025 #1 S.
Problems with +5V regulated power supply - Forum for Electronics
2007年8月6日 · Hello, I have an Otari R2R tape recorder and had problems with the +5V regulated power supply (around 10A) where it passed through 9.1V to the control circuit electronics and burned the EPROM (27256) + other IC:s. Attached an image of the power supply : Q1,Q2 is a 2SA1020 transistors. IC-1 is...
Elementary Electronic Questions | Page 810 - Forum for Electronics
2010年1月25日 · Want to learn electronics and need a points to start? Need help in your electronics related homeworks? Need a seminar topic?
i2c read and write problem in avr atmega8. - Forum for Electronics
2011年9月7日 · hi, I am using atmega8 to interface i2c(TWI), i am a beginner in I2C. from my knowledge I wrote a code, that is given below. but i don't get any response or status, #include #include #include void twi_init(void) { TWBR = 32; TWCR = (1
RP2040 and INA219, 3.2-inch GUI for DC Voltage, Current, and …
2024年12月25日 · This project involves designing and implementing a voltage, current, and power meter circuit, leveraging the powerful RP2040 Zero microcontroller, the precision INA219 sensor, and a 3.2-inch ILI9341 SPI 320x240 TFT display. The RP2040 Zero, featuring a dual-core Arm Cortex-M0+ processor running...
Protecting a MOSFET gate driver - Forum for Electronics
2025年2月21日 · If the drain overvoltage destroys the MOSFET, the DS junction will typically short blowing fuse F1. But in the moment of failure before the fuse blows, if the gate junction blows out as well, a high voltage spike could also potentially backfeed into the MCU output pin... which I want to try to protect in this failure mode.
atmega128 avr micro controllers assembly - Forum for Electronics
2014年7月19日 · Welcome to EDAboard.com Welcome to our site! EDAboard.com is an international Electronics Discussion Forum focused on EDA software, circuits, schematics, books, theory, papers, asic, pld, 8051, DSP, Network, RF, Analog Design, PCB, Service Manuals... and …
[AVR] Fusebit on atmega8 for 12MHz - Forum for Electronics
2009年6月11日 · The fuse settings for a 12 Mhz crystal are: CKOPT = 1 - in hfuse CKSEL3 = 1 - in lfuse CKSEL2 = 1 - in lfuse CKSEL1 = 1 - in lfuse CKSEL0 = 1 - in lfuse The fuses can be programmed using the -U option with avrdude , using an arduino as isp.