Low flow (CPR): PALS/ACLS algorithms, pushing hard/fast, allowing full chest recoil between compressions, minimizing interruptions in compressions. Highlights of the 2015 AHA Guidelines can be found here. CO and pulmonary blood flow much less than during normal sinus rhythm (~25%). Cerebral blood flow approximately 50% of normal.
Welcome to LearnPICU. This site contains summaries of core topics in pediatric critical care medicine. Each topic also has associated practice board-type questions, supporting references, and summaries of seminal articles. Whether you are a medical student or a seasoned intensivist, we hope you find the resources here helpful.
PICU, CICU and N/IICU Clinical Pathway - Children's Hospital of ...
The post-cardiac arrest clinical pathway describes the steps that need to be taken in the care of children post-CPR in an inpatient setting.
Epidemiology of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Critically Ill ...
2021年5月5日 · Cardiopulmonary arrests are a major contributor to mortality and morbidity in pediatric intensive care units (PICUs). Understanding the epidemiology and risk factors for CPR may inform national quality improvement initiatives.
Epidemiology of Cardiopulmonary Arrest and Outcome of …
2022年4月28日 · CPA is a critical condition in children and primarily occurs in the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU). The in-hospital mortality of children under CPA in the PICU after receiving CPR is between 38 and 69.6% (1, 2), which is considerably higher than the mortality of PICU admissions (2–3%) in a 4-year follow-up study . A standard CPR has ...
儿童重症监护病房心肺复苏的回顾性分析 - 中华急诊医学杂志
目的 分析在儿童重症监护病房 (PICU)心肺复苏 (CPR)的有效性及影响CPR存活率的因素.方法回顾性分析PICU发生呼吸心跳骤停而行CPR的临床情况,评价其与CPR存活率的关系.不包括仅用辅助正压通气或复苏药物而未施行胸外按压的病例.结果1998年4月至2004年8月间北京儿童医院PICU共258例患儿施行CPR,131例 (50.8%)初步复苏成功,36例 (14.0%)治愈出院.性别和年龄对存活率的影响差异无显著性.原发病及其合并症对存活率有显著影响.入PICU 24 h内及24 h后行CPR其存 …
(PDF) Exploration of Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: A ...
2022年11月30日 · Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) flow interventions are required as pediatric CPR tends to be chaotic, and documentation systems are inclined to adults. This paper presents...
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation in a pediatric ICU - PubMed
A 30-month, retrospective study of CPR was undertaken in a 10-bed, medical/surgical pediatric ICU (PICU). The 121 episodes of CPR reviewed represented 81 of 1357 admissions and 7537 cumulative days of PICU care. Of the 121 CPR attempts, 64% were initially successful, 48% were associated with at leas …
儿科重症监护室(PICU)中,心肺复苏(CPR)教练培训可提升急 …
北美PICU感染死亡儿童的特征和病死时机 - 中国小儿急救医学
校正年龄、性别、脓毒症严重度、治疗方法 (包括CPR,心、肺和肾支持)和每个PICU的入院次数后,本研究发现从急诊科、住院部或转诊医院收入的患儿早期死亡风险显著高于从手术室入院的患儿。 合并严重感染的PICU住院患儿有较大比例早期死亡,并且在诊断、治疗措施和入院地点上不同于晚期死亡患儿。 急诊科是危重患儿的主要来源。 了解早期死亡患儿特点可能会为纳入早期死亡高风险患儿的临床试验提供患儿招募依据。 引用本文: 方伯梁, 钱素云. 北美PICU感染死亡儿 …
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