经典再读192 | “结构诗人”皮埃尔·奈尔维杰作:都灵劳动宫 – 有方
2023年7月10日 · 位于都灵的劳动宫(Palazzo del Lavoro),亦被称作“奈尔维宫”(Palazzo Nervi),是意大利著名结构工程师、有着“结构诗人”之称的皮埃尔·路易吉·奈尔维(Pier Luigi Nervi)最杰出的成就之一。
皮埃尔·奈尔维:了不起的“混凝土诗人” – 有方
今年上半年,意大利结构工程师、建筑师的皮埃尔·路易吉·奈尔维(Pier Luigi Nervi)作品展《奈尔维:以模型作为设计和建造的工具》(il modello come strumento di progetto e costruzione)在米兰理工大学开展。
Spotlight: Pier Luigi Nervi - ArchDaily
2019年6月21日 · Known as both an architect and an engineer, Pier Luigi Nervi (June 21, 1891 – January 9, 1979) explored the limitations of reinforced concrete by creating a variety of inventive structural...
Pier Luigi Nervi - Wikipedia
Pier Luigi Nervi (21 June 1891 – 9 January 1979) was an Italian engineer and architect. He studied at the University of Bologna graduating in 1913. Nervi taught as a professor of engineering at Rome University from 1946 to 1961 and is known worldwide as a structural engineer and architect and for his innovative use of reinforced concrete, especially with numerous notable thin shell ...
Homepage - Pier Luigi Nervi Project
Founded twelve years ago, the Pier Luigi Nervi Project Foundation is a non-profit organisation contributing to a renewal of study and knowledge about the life and work of the Italian engineer and architect Pier Luigi Nervi.
Pier Luigi Nervi (1891 - 1971) - Encyclopedia of Design
2022年1月1日 · Pier Luigi Nervi (1891 – 1979) was an Italian architect born in Sondrio, Lombardy. He studied engineering at the University of Bologna, to 1913. Nervi’s taut reinforced concrete buildings were among the most spectacular structures of the twentieth century.
The art and science of building by pier Luigi Nervi: A modern …
The legacy of Pier Luigi Nervi spans globally, showcasing excellence in construction and artistry. Conservation of his architectural marvels poses challenges due to material fragility and societal shifts. Preservation efforts require interdisciplinary …
Pier Luigi Nervi study for the structure of the Glass House, …
Designed and constructed in a particular hybrid method that combined faith in technological progress with the use of traditional techniques, according to a modern vision, it presented the dilemma...
Works of Pier Luigi Nervi - Academia.edu
This examination of Pier Luigi Nervi's architectural philosophy and structural engineering techniques reveals his commitment to developing innovative and effective structural solutions that balance technical efficiency and aesthetic integrity.
Pier Luigi Nervi Engineering and Architectural Works | ArchEyes
2024年9月18日 · Discover the groundbreaking engineering and architectural works of Pier Luigi Nervi, renowned for his innovative use of reinforced concrete, structural elegance, and iconic designs like the Pirelli Tower and Palazzetto dello Sport.