Pilin - Wikipedia
Pilin refers to a class of fibrous proteins that are found in pilus structures in bacteria. These structures can be used for the exchange of genetic material, or as a cell adhesion mechanism. …
Type IV pili: dynamics, biophysics and functional consequences
2019年4月15日 · Many bacteria possess filamentous appendages called pili. These filaments, which include the type IV pili (T4P), chaperone-usher pili 1 and Gram-positive pili 2, are …
Cryo-electron microscopy reveals two distinct type IV pili ... - Nature
2020年5月6日 · Type IV pili (T4P) are flexible extracellular protein filaments found on many bacteria. They form multifunctional fibres involved in twitching motility, adhesion, immune …
Type IV Pilin Proteins: Versatile Molecular Modules - PMC
The type IV pilin is a remarkably versatile architectural module that has been adopted widely for a variety of functions, including motility, attachment to chemically diverse surfaces, electrical …
Structure and function of minor pilins of type IV pili - PMC
In this review, we will focus on the type IV pili (T4P), which promote biological functions important for the pathogenicity of bacteria such as twitching motility, DNA uptake and adhesion to host …
Pili in Gram-positive pathogens | Nature Reviews Microbiology
2006年7月1日 · Non-flagellar appendages were first observed in Gram-negative bacteria, in the early 1950s. Since then, these structures — known as pili or fimbriae — have been extensively …
Pilins in gram-positive bacteria: A structural perspective - IUBMB
2015年7月14日 · Pilins or fimbrilins are a class of proteins found in bacterial surface pilus, a hair-like surface appendage. Both the Gram-negative and -positive bacteria produce pilins to …
Pilin - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Pili, also known as fimbriae, are proteinaceous, filamentous polymeric organelles expressed on the surface of bacteria. They range from a few fractions of a micrometer to >20 μm in length …
The Biosynthesis and Structures of Bacterial Pili - PubMed
In this chapter we describe the diversity in structure, biogenesis and function of the different pilus systems found in Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, and review their potential as anti …
Structure and Role of Pili in Prokaryotes - News-Medical.net
2018年10月29日 · Pili are short, hair-like structures on the cell surface of prokaryotic cells. They can have a role in movement, but are more often involved in adherence to surfaces, which …