Tools and Features | Pimcore Development Documentation
This section of documentation gives an overview over tools and features provided in or for the Pimcore backend UI but also can be used via Pimcore PHP API. The topics include insights to Versioning, Notes and Events, Tags, Perspectives and much much more. Just have a look at the sub pages and dive into the possibilities of Pimcore.
Plugin Backend UI - Pimcore
Plugin Backend UI General. The Pimcore Backend UI is based upon the Ext JS Framework. A plugin can add Ext components to the user interface or execute any other JavaScript required in the plugin context. All JavaScript and CSS which should be included, needs to be defined in your bundle class, as described in Pimcore Bundles.
Welcome to Pimcore's documentation. The documentation is split up into two sections: Development Documentation: Shows all information necessary for developers to get started working with Pimcore. User Documentation: Describes several aspects for Pimcore Admin Backend users. Additional resources for getting started with Pimcore are also our
Let's discuss Pimcore's UI · pimcore · Discussion #12795 - GitHub
2022年7月29日 · As you probably know by now, we are releasing the preview of Pimcore Studio, the brand new UX/UI of the Pimcore interface, at the Pimcore Inspire Developer Conference 2024 in March 2024. If you are coming to the Inspire, just post your UI questions, that you would like to have discussed.
Introducing Pimcore Studio - factory.dev
2025年2月24日 · The aim of the Pimcore in the new Studio UI is to make it customizable and themeable. For example, it could be just changing the focus colors, but it could even go further, like making fully high-contrast themes, etc.
pimcore/studio-ui-bundle - GitHub
The Studio UI Bundle provides a Backend UI for Pimcore. It is based on the React framework. Access it under {your-domain}/pimcore-studio. To change the URL you can add the following …
pimcore/admin-ui-classic-bundle - GitHub
The Admin Classic Bundle provides a Backend UI for Pimcore. It is based on the ExtJS framework. The Admin Bundle is a core bundle of Pimcore and is shipped with every Pimcore installation.
The Future of Data & Experience Management - Pimcore
Pimcore revolutionizes data and experience management with its award-winning, all-in-one platform, offering unmatched flexibility and seamless deployment anywhere—cloud, on-premise, or PaaS. Say goodbye to complicated pricing and hello to unlimited possibilities with fair, transparent plans that empower your business to innovate and thrive ...
Pimcore | Jamstack 中文
⚒ 数据建模和 UI 设计同步进行. 无论您处理的是非结构化 Web 文档还是 MDM/PIM 的结构化数据,您都可以定义 UI 设计(通过模板定义 Web 文档,通过直观的图形编辑器定义结构化数据),而 Pimcore 则知道如何有效持久化数据,并优化其快速访问。
探索Pimcore:统一的数字体验管理平台 - CSDN博客
2024年5月9日 · 皮姆柯尔(Pimcore)是一款开源的企业级内容管理系统(CMS)、数字资产管理(DAM)、产品信息管理(PIM)和电子商务平台,它以其强大的数据管理和集成能力著称。Pimcore 2 是其较早的一个版本,尽管可能不如最新版...
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