PIN SOMETHING ON SOMEONE翻译:把…归咎于(尤指无辜者)。 了解更多。
PIN SOMETHING ON SOMEONE - Cambridge English Dictionary
PIN SOMETHING ON SOMEONE definition: 1. to blame someone for something, especially for something they did not do: 2. to blame someone…. Learn more.
pin on - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
To blame something on or attribute something to another thing in particular. I don't care that he says he's a changed man. He treated me horribly for years, and I refuse to let him pin it all on his alcoholism. Don't pin your poor writing on the age of your computer.
Pin something on you - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
pin on v. 1. To hang or secure something onto someone or something using a pin or pins: I pinned a flower on my hat. I pinned on a corsage to my sleeve. 2. To ascribe responsibility for something, especially something that is worthy of blame, to someone: The …
pin something on somebody/something | meaning of pin …
• The pin was on the right at the back of a bunker and I decided on the 7- iron. • You can pin it on the wall. pin the blame on • And how would it be possible, in any event, to pin the blame on an individual? • Many observers pin the blame on the army, whose all-powerful generals are seeing their grip weaken.
外国人常说的“Put a Pin in It”究竟什么意思?_pin_it_that
2023年12月26日 · The phrase “put a pin in it” is an idiom that means to hold on to a thought or idea and return to it at a later time. It is said to have originated in World War II in reference to the pins placed in hand grenades.
Pin your hopes on something 寄希望于某事 - Chinadaily.com.cn
如果你 “pin your hopes on something(把希望钉在某个东西上)”,这就意味着你一心指望这件事情会给你带来幸福或成功。 人们使用这个表达可能是因为非常希望某件事情会成功,或者是因为其它事情都失败了,而这是唯一剩下的机会。
"They pin you to the wall."是什么意思? -关于英语 (美国)(英文) …
They pin you to the wall.Not really. It's more of a negative phrase. 的定义
【英単語】pin-onを徹底解説!意味、使い方、例文、読み方 – お …
pin-onは【何か、特に彼らがしなかったことを誰かのせいにする】意味として使われています。 和訳:【誰かに何かを固定する】。
pin on phrasal verb - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage ...
Definition of pin on phrasal verb from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. to make somebody be blamed for something, especially for something they did not do. No one would admit responsibility. They all tried to pin the blame on someone else. You can't pin this one on me—I wasn't even there!