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搜狗拼音输入法官网下载,荣获多个国内软件大奖的搜狗拼音输入法是一款打字更准、词库更大、速度更快、外观漂亮、用了让您爱不释手的输入法,是您装机输入的好选择。 享受输入,从搜狗开始!
Online Pinyin Input Method 網上拼音輸入法
Enter Pinyin code within the white main input area. Choose the character/word among the list by the corresponding number. If more choices are available, use Spacebar or PgUp/PgDn or +/- buttons to navigate between pages. Chinese words can be entered by using the combination of invidual character code together. New Function!
腾讯qq拼音官方网站,提供全新的qq拼音软件下载, qq拼音是好用的拼音输入法,更快、更准、更绿色的输入法,让书写成为享受,具有词库随身带,精美皮肤更换和智能整句生成特点
Online Pinyin Input Method 網上拼音輸入法
網上拼音輸入法 是一免費漢語拼音在線中文輸入法。 讓你在任何地方、任何電腦都可以免費打中文! 三個字以上的詞語可以只用每個中文字的頭碼組合. 新增功能! 以後忘記拼音碼時可以用最新的手寫輸入法! 該輸入法更可載入各種輸入法同時使用! ☆ 加入我們Facebook! 網上拼音輸入法 是用上漢語拼音作為輸入方式。 漢語拼音簡稱拼音是根據普通話/國語的發音,用英文子母作聲母和韻母組合而成。 例如"酒"字的聲母是j,韻母是iu,用jiu便可拼出酒字的發音。 拼音本應還 …
Chinese Tools - Turn Chinese into Pinyin - Chinese Converter
Pinyin, or Hanyu Pinyin, is a system that spells Chinese names and words with the Latin alphabet based on their pronunciation. In Mandarin Chinese, it literally means 'spell sound'. It can be a really useful tool to help you learn the correct pronunciation of Mandarin words.
在线拼音输入法 - 云拼音输入法 - 网页拼音输入法
为什么使用在线拼音输入法? 本输入法无需要下载安装,不会破坏你的系统任何文件,让你的系统干干净净。
Chinese English Pinyin Dictionary
Search with English, Pinyin, or Chinese characters. Chinese-English Dictionary. Includes Simplified Characters, Traditional Characters, Pinyin, Stroke-Order, and Audio. Search using English, Mandarin Chinese, or Pinyin.
TypeChinese - 中文打字
Practice typing Chinese with Simplified or Traditional characters. Pinyin, Zhuyin, and Cangjie available to read new characters.
Chinese to Pinyin Converter Online
Chinese (Input) This tool does automatically annotate words in Chinese text with their pronunciations in pinyin and segment Chinese sentenes to words. Additionally, provides Chinese words English dictionary definitions to help you understand the overall meaning. Example Content: 我喜欢吃苹果。 今天是个好天气。 我昨天和朋友一起去了公园,拍了很多漂亮的照片。
Chinese Character to Pinyin Converter - Toolshu Online tools
Hanyu Pinyin serves as a tool to assist in the pronunciation of Chinese characters. The Chinese Character to Pinyin Converter is a free online tool supporting multi-pronunciation mode, neutral tone marking, tone sandhi, and numeric tone annotations. …
Chinese Pinyin Chart - Chinese Pinyin Table - Free Pinyin
The Chinese Pinyin Table provides the complete list of all Pinyin syllables used in standard Mandarin, including possible tone variations and their pronunciations.
汉语拼音 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
汉语拼音 (Hànyǔ pīnyīn)是一種以 拉丁字母 為 現代標準漢語 標音 的方案,為現代標準漢語 羅馬拼音 的國際標準規範。 汉语拼音在 中国大陆 和 新加坡 [2] 作为基础教育内容全面使用,是 义务教育 的重要内容。 在海外,漢語拼音也是全世界多數 汉语 學習者在學習 汉字 之前首先接觸到的拼音 [註 1],特别是常用 現代標準漢語 的地区如 新加坡 、 马来西亚 、 菲律宾 和 美国 各城市 唐人街 等 海外華人 集中的地方,大部分也在汉语教育中进行汉语拼音教学。 臺灣 自2008年開 …
Learn Chinese Pinyin: Build a Strong Foundation (Free Course)
To learn Pinyin, you will find three main parts to construct a complete Pinyin syllable. These are the Pinyin Initial (声母), the Pinyin Final (韵母) and the Tone (声调). To help you better learn the language, I provide you a free pinyin course here from my “ Chinese Made Simple Course “.
Learn and Practice Chinese Pinyin - Mandarin Bean
Pinyin syllables are constructed with a consonant, a vowel, and a tone. The consonant is called the Pinyin Initial (声母/shēngmǔ/) , and the vowel (韵母/yùnmǔ/) is called the Pinyin Final.
Chinese Pinyin Table - 汉语拼音表
The Mandarin Chinese Pinyin Table (汉语拼音表)provides a complete table of all Pinyin syllables used in standard Mandarin. An empty cell on the table indicates that the corresponding syllable does not exist in standard Mandarin. The tone variations of the syllable will be displayed on the top of the table after you click on a syllable.
Pinyin | The Best Way to Learn Chinese
Pinyin is a system used to represent the sounds of the Mandarin Chinese language using letters of the Latin alphabet. It is crucial for learners of the Chinese language students because it enables them to learn how to pronounce Chinese words before they tackle the complex and difficult Chinese writing system.
Pin-Yin.org Free online learn chinese Hanyu pinyin
"Pinyin", "HanYu Pinin" or "Mandarin Chinese Pinyin" is a way to use Roman letters to represent the pronunciation of the Chinese characters. Pinyin is a very recent system compare with the Chinese characters. Pinyin is adopted in China in 1979, while the Chinese characters have over 5 thousand years of history.
Pinyin Dictionary | Search Using Pinyin
This Pinyin dictionary allows you to serch for Chinese words and phrases using Pinyin without knowing characters or tones of that word.
Mandarin Chinese Pinyin Chart with Videos
Hanyu Pinyin is the official system to transcribe Mandarin Chinese sounds into a Latin alphabet. It was invented in 1950s, and adopted as a standard in mainland China in 1958.
Mandarin Chinese Pinyin Chart - 汉语拼音表
The Mandarin Chinese Pinyin Chart provides the complete list of all Pinyin syllables with audio.