Structures and mechanisms of the Arabidopsis auxin transporter PIN3
2022年8月2日 · In this study, we present structures of A. thaliana PIN3 in the apo state and in complex with the substrate IAA or the inhibitor NPA and provide structural insights into the molecular basis of...
Biosynthesis‐ and transport‐mediated dynamic auxin distribution …
YUC8 and YUC9 are mainly involved in the biosynthesis of auxin at the micropylar integuments around the embryo. PIN3 and AUX1 participate in the polar accumulation of auxin in the seed coat
Efflux-dependent auxin gradients establish the apical–basal axis of ...
2003年11月13日 · The earliest activity of PIN3::GUS was detected at the basal pole of the heart-stage embryo, confirmed by PIN3 mRNA localization in the precursors of the columella .
The PIN-FORMED (PIN) protein family of auxin transporters
2009年12月29日 · PIN genes are found exclusively in the genomes of multicellular plants and play an important role in regulating asymmetric auxin distribution in multiple developmental processes, including embryogenesis, organogenesis, tissue differentiation and tropic responses.
Over 25 years of decrypting PIN-mediated plant development
2024年11月15日 · Identification of PIN exporters for auxin, the major coordinative signal in plants, some 25 years ago, signifies a landmark in our understanding of plant-specific mechanisms underlying development...
Biosynthesis- and transport-mediated dynamic auxin ... - PubMed
In the present study, we found that auxin response signals display a dynamic distribution pattern during Arabidopsis seed development. Shortly after fertilization, strong auxin response signals were observed at the funiculus, chalaza, and micropylar integument where the embryo attaches.
PIN-Dependent Auxin Transport: Action, Regulation, and Evolution
As embryo development progresses, additional peaks of auxin response appear at the sites of cotyledon formation. Accordingly, PIN1 protein can be detected in the epidermal layer with polarities facing toward these auxin maxima, while a canal expressing basally localized PIN1 forms in the inner embryo body, driving auxin away from the primordium ...
乙烯抑制侧根发育,增加 IAA 转运和 PIN3 和 PIN7 生长素外排载 …
我们使用遗传和分子方法来确定气态植物激素乙烯减少侧根形成并增强激素生长素的极性运输的机制。 拟南芥突变体 aux1、lax3、pin3 和 pin7 在生长素流入和流出蛋白方面存在缺陷,在用乙烯前体 1-氨基环丙烷-1-羧基处理后对侧根形成的抑制和生长素转运的刺激不太敏感酸 (ACC)。 相比之下,pin2 和 abcb19 突变体表现出野生型 ACC 反应。 ACC 和 indole-3-乙酸 (IAA) 分别以 ETR1 和 EIN2(乙烯信号)依赖性和 TIR1(生长素受体)依赖性方式增加了编码生长素转运蛋白的转 …
Transport properties of canonical PIN-FORMED proteins from
2024年12月16日 · Recently, the structures of PIN1, PIN3, and PIN8 were elucidated by cryoelectron microscopy (cryo-EM). 15,16,17 PINs were shown to transport IAA by a crossover elevator uniport mechanism using the membrane potential as a driving force. 18 PINs form dimers, with each monomer consisting of 10 transmembrane helices (M) separated by a …
PIN-Dependent Auxin Transport: Action, Regulation, and Evolution
2015年1月20日 · PIN proteins direct polar auxin transport on account of their asymmetric subcellular localizations. In this review, we provide an overview of the multiple developmental roles of PIN proteins, including the atypical endoplasmic reticulum-localized members of the family, and look at the family from an evolutionary perspective.