TP53 PIN3 and PEX4 polymorphisms and infertility associated with ...
2012年9月27日 · TP53 encodes the multi-functional tumor suppressor transcription factor p53 which has a crucial role in maintaining genomic stability in somatic cells exposed to oncogenic or genotoxic stress, thus preventing tumor formation. 1 In response to a wide range of stress signals, p53 accumulates in the nucleus and regulates the expression of a large ...
TP53 PIN3 and PEX4 polymorphisms and infertility associated with ...
2012年9月27日 · TP53 encodes the multi-functional tumor suppressor transcription factor p53 which has a crucial role in maintaining genomic stability in somatic cells exposed to oncogenic or genotoxic...
Evaluation of clinical utility of P53 gene variations in repeated ...
2019年3月11日 · PIN3 polymorphism is 16 base pairs duplication in intron 3 (PIN3), which reported that a significant functional effect on the mRNA splicing [14]. Several investigations have demonstrated the association between rs17878362 and rs1042522 polymorphisms with the increased risk of cancers such as ovarian, lung, colon, breast, esophageal, and gastric ...
PIN3 duplication may be partially responsible for TP53 ...
2014年9月15日 · A single mutation of the allele with PIN3 duplication in PIN3 heterozygotes (A1/A2) might be partially responsible for TP53 haploinsufficiency. These findings may provide a new insight into the search for the unknown haploinsufficiency mechanism and …
Sex-specific effect of the TP53 PIN3 polymorphism on cancer risk …
Our results indicate that the TP53 PIN3 polymorphism has a sex-specific effect on the risk of cancer in TP53 mutation carriers, conferring cancer risk in men ( P = 0.0041) but not women with DI or II genotypes.
Sex-specific effect of the TP53 PIN3 polymorphism on cancer ... - PubMed
Our results indicate that the TP53 PIN3 polymorphism has a sex-specific effect on the risk of cancer in TP53 mutation carriers, conferring cancer risk in men (P = 0.0041) but not women with DI or II genotypes.
TP53 PIN3 and PEX4 polymorphisms and infertility associated with ...
2012年9月27日 · p53 has a crucial role in human fertility by regulating the expression of leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), a secreted cytokine critical for blastocyst implantation. To examine whether TP53 polymorphisms may be involved with in vitro fertilization (IVF) failure and endometriosis (END), we have asses …
Association of TP53 PIN3 polymorphism with breast cancer in …
The present study aimed to assess the association of PIN3 Ins16bp polymorphism of p53 with breast cancer risk in Moroccan population. This case-control study was performed on 105 female patients with confirmed breast cancer and 114 healthy controls.
TP53 PIN3 and PEX4 polymorphisms and infertility associated with ...
2012年9月1日 · TP53 polymorphisms and haplotypes were identified by amplification refractory mutation system polymerase chain reaction. TP53 PIN3 and PEX4 were associated with both END (P=0.042 and P=0.007,...
TP53 encodes the multi-functional tumor suppressor tran-scription factor p53 which has a crucial role in maintaining genomic stability in somatic cells exposed to oncogenic or genotoxic stress ...