起舞的皮娜 Dancing Pina (2022) - 豆瓣电影
2022年5月6日 · Dancing pina是一部上映于2022年的舞蹈记录片,整部电影双线进行,通过分别拍摄记述德累斯顿的芭蕾舞团、非洲塞内加尔全非裔舞者的两个舞团对已逝世的传奇现代舞编导Pina Baushe作品的排练和演绎追忆Pina、重新挖掘Pina精神。
Dancing Pina (2022) - IMDb
Two spectacular dance projects show how a young generation of dancers from all over the world are rediscovering Pina's choreography: the Semperoper Ballet Company in Dresden rehearses Pina's...
DANCING PINA Trailer | VIFF 2022 - YouTube
2022年9月7日 · Choreographer Pina Bausch's brilliance lives on as the Dresden Semperoper Ballet rehearses her Iphigenia in Tauris and dancers in Senegal breathe new life to The Rite of Spring. A fascinating...
Pina 2020 - susedky (super komédia 2020) - YouTube
#top #pina #susediahttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6VOTIPtJG4VzISZA2HXYYQ?sub_confirmation=1
Dancing Pina (2022) - Box Office Mojo
Two spectacular dance projects show how a young generation of dancers from all over the world are rediscovering Pina's choreography: the Semperoper Ballet Company in Dresden rehearses Pina's...
Dancing Pina (2022) - FilmAffinity
Two spectacular dance projects show how a young generation of dancers from all over the world are rediscovering Pina's choreography: the Semperoper Ballet Company in Dresden rehearses Pina's dance opera Iphigenia in Tauris, and dancers from all over Africa rehearse Pina's ballet Le Sacre du Printemps at the École des Sables in Senegal.
Dancing Pina (2022) directed by Florian Heinzen-Ziob - Letterboxd
Dancing Pina (2022) directed by Florian Heinzen-Ziob • Reviews, film + cast • Letterboxd. All services … Two of Pina Bausch’s most famous works are rehearsed in Germany and Senegal, championing the choreographer’s legacy through a younger generation of dancers. 112 mins More at IMDb TMDB.
《起舞的皮娜》2022年德国纪录片纪录片在线观看 - 蛋蛋赞影院
剧情简介: 皮娜·鲍什是世界上最伟大的现代舞编舞者之一,在皮娜逝世十年后,她的两部经典舞蹈作品《在陶里斯的伊菲革涅亚》和《春之祭》分别交给两个舞团重新诠释:德国德累斯顿的森佩尔歌剧院芭蕾舞团和非洲塞内加尔萨布尔斯学院,由皮娜舞蹈团的前舞者指导。
德国纪录片《翩翩起舞的皮娜 Dancing Pina 2022》德语中英双字
2023年4月4日 · 纪录片《翩翩起舞的皮娜 Dancing Pina 2022》 在标志性的德国编舞家皮娜-鲍什去世十年后,她的两部最著名的作品将在鲍什原来的舞团的指导下上演。 其中一部将由德累斯顿的古典芭蕾舞者上演。
Pina (2022) - ČSFD.sk
Pokaždé, když přijde sklizeň, však vesničku vydrancuje bezohledná mafie. Pinino setkání s mafiánským bossem způsobí ve vesnici hladomor a ohrozí osud celé země. Napínavý snímek vyniká kultivovanou animací. Pina (2022) - film: Recenzie, Hodnotenia, Zaujímavosti, Videá, Galéria, Dátumy uvedenia, Diskusia, Filmotéka a ďalšie...