Can't ping between router and switch - Cisco Learning Network
I cannot ping between the two. I can even do a sh cdp neighbor detail on both devices and it will show the other device and IP address. Why can't I ping? Default gateway set on switch to Vlan 1 is up. Fa0/1 is set to trunking and is up and is connected to router g0/0 which is also up. I don't understand why sh cdp neighbor detail works but not a ping.
Switch is UP. But unable to ping or telnet. - Cisco Learning Network
Here i am unable to ping or telnet to the SW1 ( The switch is UP and traffic is passing through. Switch is showing in router's neighbor table. (show cdp neighbor). And more over i am able to telnet to the downstream switches (SW2 & …
Ping different subnet in the same VLAN - Cisco Learning Network
When you have hosts in different subnets, you need a routing capable device (router, L3 switch) to route the packet between the subnets. In your case, the two hosts are in different subnets, that's why the ping doesn't work. Try adding default gateway and a router into your topology and the ping might work.
Ethernet link up up, cannot ping device behind port
We had a device which was connected via Fiber , but it was not pingable, even thou the interface status was up up. After the onsite engineer decided to replace the fiber cable we could suddenly ping the end device (no config changes/faults in gateway and subnetmask etc....). If something went wrong with the fiber cable, why would it show as up up and why did the ICMP message did not reach the ...
Pinging a different vlan without routing - Cisco Learning Network
I think, those functions (or maybe some of them) are disabled with disabled ip routing, so the ping to the switch ip address is working (for any ip address of the switch), but "inter vlan ping" to any other device in another vlan is not working. But that is only an assumption.
what configuration need to do for make end device able to ping ...
Carefully examine the device configurations. There are some mistakes in the interface configuration on network devices. First, find the mistakes and correct them. Then, perform the following configuration tasks. Ensure there is full connectivity within each VLAN (that is, you can successfully issue the ping command between PC1 and SRV1.
how to set devices for end to end ping - Cisco Learning Network
I hooked up via ethernet a computer in my room to one of the ports on the switches and would like to ping from the switch to the computer. For some reason it does not work. i want to start pinging between two end devices (hosts) and i have plenty of computers in my houses to do so, but im not sure how to do it. my switches and routers can all talk to eachother, i …
Packet Tracer: Unable to ping between subnet - Cisco Learning …
2021年3月17日 · I am using packet tracer for simulation of a network with 2 subnet with a total of 86 hosts (58 + 28). When I set up the network on a small scale, it work ok. However when I tried to put more host in, the computer in different subnets are unable to ping each other.
Question Detail - Cisco Learning Network
This page has an error. You might just need to refresh it. First, would you give us some details? (We're reporting this as error ID: )
Ping broadcast of a LAN - Cisco Learning Network
I'm going to be upfront that I'm still struggling with some of these concepts as well. However, which device (out of curiousity) in your topology did you ping from? My understanding of Hubs is that they are half-duplex and prone to collisions. Since you used a Hub without a bridge, then pinging wouldn't work, I don't think. That's my guess ...