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재미있는 만들기 놀이 공간을 제공하는 핑크츄 DIY 유튜브 채널입니다.
핑크츄 도안 블로그 Pinkchu DIY Blog
딸기 케이크 스퀴시북 만들기🍓Diy Strawberry Cake Doll House Squishy Book
핑크츄 도안 블로그 Pinkchu DIY Blog
폭신폭신 작은 스퀴시 북 속에 작은 교실이 있어서 귀여운 인형 놀이를 할 수 있어요. 소년, 소녀, 강아지, 고양이, 곰, 토끼 인형도 있고 교복, 체육복으로 코디 놀이도 할 수 있고 고등학교 교실, 음악실, 체육관, 급식실로 장소를 바꿔가면서 역할놀이를 할 수 있어요. 동물 선생님, 동물 친구들과 함께 미니 고등학교 놀이를 재미있게 해보아요. Hello, I'm Pinkchu DIY. Today's craft topic is making a high school squishy book for a day.
핑크츄 도안 블로그 Pinkchu DIY Blog
블루베리 잼 스퀴시북 도안 🫐 Diy Blueberry jam squishy book template
mandarin jam paper cat house (+tutorial) from pinkchu DIY
2023年1月19日 · you can get this printables from (pinkchu diy) #dolls #subscribe #viral #share #paper #diycrafts #cat
Showing you my paper cat [Pinkchu DIY] Free printable
Hi guys I hope u like it Pinkchu DIY Gave me this idea 😸😺
57 Pinkchu diy ideas | paper doll house, paper dolls book
Nov 17, 2022 - Explore Anna Whaley's board "Pinkchu diy" on Pinterest. See more ideas about paper doll house, paper dolls book, paper dolls printable.
15 Pinkchu printables ideas | paper doll house, paper dolls
Dec 3, 2023 - Explore patick yong's board "pinkchu printables" on Pinterest. See more ideas about paper doll house, paper dolls book, paper dolls printable.
토끼 스퀴시북 만들기 Diy Rabbit Squishy Book - Blogger
Today, we will make a fluffy and cute rabbit squishy book. It is filled with the daily life of a cute and adorable rabbit. You can play with the doll by putting it in a fluffy bed, dressing it up in pretty clothes, or bathing it in warm water. There is also a study room where you can study hard.
pinkchu diy - Pinterest
Nov 20, 2022 - Explore mimi cici_0996's board "pinkchu diy" on Pinterest. See more ideas about paper dolls diy, paper doll house, paper doll template.