1、 应用范围 本标准对机械、汽车、自行车、家具、器具、其它机械部件使用的碳素钢钢管(以下简称钢管)进行规定。 2、 引用标准 下列记载的标准,被本标准所引用,并构成了本标准的一部分。 这些引用标准应用其最新版本(含增补内容)。 JIS G 0320 钢材热分析方法 JIS G 0321 钢材制品分析方法及其许用公差值 JIS G 0404 钢材的一般交货技术条件 JIS G 0415 钢材及钢材制品—检查文件 . JIS Z 2201 金属材料拉伸试验片. JIS Z 2241 金属材料拉伸试验方法 . JIS Z 8401 数值的取舍 …
CTS TUBES provide a wide range of steel products as Steel Pipes, Seamless Tube and Seamless Pipes, Alloy Pipes, Pipe Fittings, Stainless Steel Pipe, Copper Tube and Titanium Alloy Tube used in the industry,
STKM13A-SH鋼管とSTKM13C(E-C)鋼管サイズ表 - kouzai-net.com
熱間圧延加工で生産される黒肌パイプです。 肌面は濃い茶のさび止め塗装が施され、錆止めがしてあります。 ニスが塗布されている場合があります。 サンダー等でニスを削り落とす必要があります。 ※ SS400 (一般鋼材)は比較のため表に入れています。 注) 材質の指定は必ず表記します。 お取り寄せ品につき、常時在庫はございません。 必要長さをご記入の上お見積りを請求下さい。 パイプの肉厚についてよくお読みの上ご検討下さい。 Φ300以上のサイズはお問い …
This Japanese Industrial Standard specifies the carbon steel tubes, hereinafter referred to as the "tubes", used for machinery, automobiles, bicycles, furniture, appliances and other machine parts. Remark.
CTS TUBES provide a wide range of steel products as Steel pipes, Seamless tube and seamless pipes, Alloy pipes, Stainless steel pipe, Copper tube and Titanium alloy tube used in the industry, construction etc. We are looking forward to getting in contact by phone or email and we hope that you enjoy our website.
STKM13A Equivalent Material | STKM 13A Carbon Steel Tubes
STKM 13A carbon steel pipes are renowned for their strength, durability, and versatility, making them suitable for a variety of applications: Automotive Industry Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing
STKM - All Japan steel grades JIS G
STKM Grades . You can compare properties of the 2 grades STKM Grades : Standards STKM11A: JIS G 3445 : Carbon steel tubes for machine structure STKM12A: JIS G 3445 : Carbon steel tubes for machine structure STKM12B: JIS G 3445 : …
JIS G 3445 Grade STKM 13A Carbon Steel Seamless Tubes
JIS G 3445 Grade STKM 13A Specification Covers Carbon steel tubes for machine structural purposes. Mechanical properties of This steel grades can be varied greatly by heat treating. Through a controlled cycle of heating and cooling, certain desired properties are obtained by producing predictable changes in the microstructure of the steel.
STKM11A Carbon Steel | JIS G 3445 Grade Equivalent Material
Solitaire Steel is a well-established manufacturer and supplier of STKM11A cold-rolled tubes across the country. The JIS G3445 STKM11A standard is widely used for carbon seamless steel tubing in mechanical parts. These low-carbon steel pipes contain a maximum of 0.12% carbon and 0.60% manganese, making them easy to shape and form.
JIS G3445, STKM11A, STKM12A,STKM12C, Precision steel tube
JIS G3445 STKM11A,12A,12C Precision steel tube to be used in automobile and precision machinery parts for cars and cylinder. pressure use, and also for transporting steam, water, gas Standard: JIS G3445 Grade: STKM 11A, STKM 12A, STKM 12C, STKM 15A, S