Nataša Pirc Musar - Wikipedia
Nataša Pirc Musar (born May 9, 1968) is a Slovenian attorney and author who has served as the 5th President of Slovenia since 2022. She is a former Information Commissioner (2004–2014), a former journalist, and former president of the Slovenian Red Cross (2015–2016).
Nataša Pirc Musar - Wikipedija, prosta enciklopedija
Nataša Pirc Musar je predsednica Republike Slovenije, nekdanja odvetnica in novinarka. Leta 2005 je bila imenovana na funkcijo informacijske pooblaščenke, ki jo je opravljala do leta 2014, ko je ustanovila lastno odvetniško družbo, ki si je leta 2016 nadela ime Odvetniška družba Pirc Musar & Lamut Strle.
About the president - President of the Republic of Slovenia
In October 2009, Nataša Pirc Musar was elected Vice President of the Europol Joint Supervisory Body, and in March 2013 President of the JSB Europol. Members of this supervisory authority are representatives of national supervisory authorities for the protection of personal data from all Europol member states; i.e. the EU Member States.
Predsednica Republike Slovenije
Človekovo dostojanstvo v nas, dostojanstvo za vse, dostojanstvo okolju, ki nas obdaja. Uradno spletno mesto predsednice Republike Slovenije Nataše Pirc Musar.
娜塔莎·皮尔茨·穆萨尔 - 百度百科
娜塔莎·皮尔茨·穆萨尔(Natasa Pirc Musar,1968年5月9日—),女,斯洛文尼亚政治人物、律师、记者,现任 斯洛文尼亚总统。 [1] [6] 1968年,娜塔莎·皮尔茨·穆萨尔出生于斯洛文尼亚首都卢布尔雅那。 [3] 1992年,毕业于卢布尔雅那法学院。 [5] 2004年至2014年,任斯洛文尼亚国家公共信息专员。 [3] [6] 2014年,创办私人律师事务所。 [6] 2015年,获 维也纳大学 法学博士学位。 [3] 2015年至2016年,任斯洛文尼亚红十字会主席。 [1] 2022年6月23日,宣布以独立候选人身份 …
Nataša Pirc Musar - Facebook
Nataša Pirc Musar, Ljubljana, Slovenia. 35,342 likes · 898 talking about this. Predsednica Republike Slovenije, President of the Republic of Slovenia 🇸🇮
Nataša Pirc Musar, PhD (Founder and Partner)
From the 1 January 2015 Nataša Pirc Musar is the director and owner of the Law Firm Pirc Musar. In November 2015 she successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis at Law Faculty in Vienna, Austria titled How to strike the right balance between access to public information and personal data protection – using a public interest test.
Law firm Slovenia | Law firm Pirc Musar & Partners
Law firm Slovenia Pirc Musar & Partners is a team of experienced lawyers with experience in a wide range of legal fields.
Nataša Pirc Musar, PhD - President - President of the Republic of ...
View Nataša Pirc Musar, PhD’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. Predsednica Republike Slovenije, President of the Republic of Slovenia · A lawyer who believes in...
- 职位: Predsednica Republike …
- 位置: President of the Republic of Slovenia
- 500+ 连接数
Dr. Nataša Pirc Musar | World Leaders Forum - Columbia University
2023年3月23日 · Until December 2022, she was the director and owner of the Law Firm Pirc Musar & Partners. From 2015 until 2019, she was a member of a jury at the Journalism Fund in Brussels, evaluating grant proposals for journalistic investigative stories.