PSD2下的欧洲支付角色 - 简书
2019年2月17日 · 了解第二个支付服务指令(PSD2)(已在英国实施,作为2017年支付服务规定)检查您的产品或服务是否在范围内。 您可以在FCA手册(PERG 15)以及FCA指南:支付服务和电子货币 - 我们的规范,第2章和第17章中找到有关法规范围的指导。 确认您所在国家/地区的监管机构。 在英国,FCA是监管机构。 在向FCA(或欧洲同等机构)提交申请之前,您可能需要寻求法律或专业建议。 您还可以深入了解开放银行标准,以了解这些API规范支持的服务和功能 …
Open Banking: AISP, PISP & ASPSP Explained - Macro Global
2022年5月18日 · PSD2 requires all ASPSPs in Europe to participate in open banking and provide data access. How do open banking and screen scraping compare? Screen scraping (also known as credential sharing) is an old technique for gaining access to a customer’s bank account to retrieve transaction data.
Harmonizing open banking in the European Union: an analysis of PSD2 …
2024年1月25日 · PI, PISP, and AISP may use PSD2 passporting rights to provide payment services in another EEA country. The definition of PIS includes services to initiate a payment order at the payer’s request in relation to a payment account held at …
PSD2. The main focus of these guidelines is on the processing of personal data by AISPs and PISPs. As such, this document addresses conditions for granting access to payment account information by ASPSPs and for the processing of personal data by PISPs and AISPs, including the requirements and safeguards in relation to the processing of persona...
PSD2: Pros & Cons of Payment Initiation Service Providers
PAYMENT INITIATION SERVICE PROVIDERS (PISPs) PISPs are able to issue payment instruments and initiate online and mobile payments to beneficiaries (businesses or people) directly from the payer’s bank account. Before accessing a customer’s account, a PISP must receive their formal approval and consent.
欧洲 PISP 许可证 2025 - rue.ee
欧洲的PISP法规主要由PSD2塑造,PSD2是欧盟制定的旨在促进成员国支付服务行业竞争、创新和安全的法规框架。 欧盟框架还采用了诸如《通用数据保护条例》(GDPR)和1-6号欧盟反洗钱指令(AMLDs)等关键监管文件。 总体而言,通过在这一监管框架下运作,您正在展示您的公司有能力自我约束,符合最高的运营标准,这是吸引和留住大量欧洲客户和知名商业伙伴的途径。 PSD2的主要规定: GDPR的关键规定: AMLDs的关键相关规定: 虽然欧盟的指令和法规通 …
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What are payment initiation services (PIS) within the PSD2 …
2020年9月16日 · Let’s take a look at what they are, how they work and what has changed with the approval of the PSD2 Directive. What are PIS? PIS are a type of service that use online banking to make payments over the Internet, where means of payment (such as a credit card or bank account) do not need to be used in the transaction.
Skrill PSD2 Developer Portal
PSD2 Terminology, Actors and Roles. European Payment Services Directive 2015/2366 (also known as PSD2) Defines the following actors and roles: Payment Service User (PSU) - PSUs are the end-users of the services provided by TPPs and ASPSPs. They are either physical persons or entities (organisations, companies, administrations…).
The new Directive on payment services (PSD2) introduces the possibility for users that use an online banking account to make payments or to access their Bank statements through software
PSD2 监管与合规性 | Entrust
PSD2 代表支付服务指令的第二版。 尽管它专门适用于欧盟 (EU),但被广泛认为是一项具有里程碑意义的支付服务法规,有可能改变银行、支付处理商和类似公司的全球运营方式。 2007 年,欧盟委员会出于以下两个主要原因颁布了最初版支付服务指令: 换句话说,PSD1 旨在通过鼓励非传统机构参与,为所有金融参与者创造公平的竞争环境。 它使金融科技公司和第三方支付提供商等新公司能够更轻松地进入市场,还将金融机构统一在单一监管框架下,为所有人制定共同的规则 …
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