Pitted keratolysis - Podiatry Arena
2006年3月29日 · Pitted keratolysis is an acquired, superficial bacterial infection of the skin which is characterized by typical malodor and pits in the hyperkeratotic areas of the soles. It is more common in barefooted people in tropical areas, or those who have to wear occlusive shoes, such as soldiers, sailors and athletes.
Pitted keratolysis | Page 2 | Podiatry Arena
2006年3月29日 · 10% benzoyl peroxide twice a day and use a pumice stone to eliminate the holes. Cured it finally after 20 years. Thank me later *drops mic*
Pitted Keratolysis, verrucas or something else? | Podiatry Arena
2025年1月25日 · Pitted Keratolysis, verrucas or something else? Discussion in ' Foot Health Forum ' started by RSSFeedBot , Aug 4, 2013 . < Heels hurt only at night | Lisfranc arch pain 1.5 weeks after injury >
Pitted Hyperkeratosis | Podiatry Arena
2007年1月24日 · Complaining of pitted hyperkeratosis plantar BF reported gets quite sore after activity. Reports Hyperhydrosis in military and basketball boots althought not during barefooted martial arts. Military boots were very well ventilated today (have come a long way).
Condys Crystals - Podiatry Arena
2005年4月18日 · After recommending Condys crystals to a patient presenting with pitted keratolysis, I was surprised when he rang me up and let me know that it is now discontinued. I was just wondering if someone could shed some light on why this has happened... I have had quite a high success rate with this method.
Tolio: "Foot Rot" in Runners - Podiatry Arena
2020年2月9日 · Several skin disorders have been identified as components of tolio, with the most prevalent currently being pitted keratolysis. We present a case of pitted keratolysis in a river guide occurring during a multiday river trip, where treatment …
pitted keratolysis | Podiatry Arena
pitted keratolysis. Thread My name is Grace Nartey. I'm 28years and a nurse. Pitted keratolysis. Thread by ...
Efficacy of topical treatments for cutaneous warts: a meta-analysis …
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Dermatological Case - Help!?! - Podiatry Arena
2005年2月1日 · Pitted Keratolysis a superficial bacterial infection of the skin of worldwide distribution usually involving the weight-bearing portions of the soles of the feet, and characterized by the formation of shallow asymptomatic discrete round pits, some of which become confluent and form fissures: the specific etiologic agent is unknown.
Like Pitted Keratlysis but not | Podiatry Arena
2011年9月13日 · Like Pitted Keratlysis but not Discussion in ' General Issues and Discussion Forum ' started by Philip Mann , Sep 8, 2011 . < Poor nail cutting leading to sunken nail and fleshy/tighly compacted sulci | Plantar heloma under 1st MPJ and the windlass mechanism >