Gary Pivo - Google Scholar
Responsible Property Investing Center, Boston College, University of Arizona … Is there a future for socially responsible property investments? G Pivo, ...
Gary E Pivo | UA Profiles - University of Arizona
Pivo, G. E. (2008, October). Responsible Property Investing: What the Leaders are Doing. UN Environment Programme Finance Initiative. http://www.unepfi.org/publications/property/index.html
The walkability premium in commercial real estate investments
On a 100-point scale, a 10-point increase in walkability increased values by 1-9%, depending on property type. We also found that walkability was associated with lower cap rates and higher incomes, suggesting it has been favored in both the capital asset and building space markets.
Sustainable and responsible property investing - University of …
Pivo G, McNamara P. Sustainable and responsible property investing. In Sustainable Investing: The Art of Long-Term Performance. Taylor and Francis. 2012. p. 117-128 doi: 10.4324/9781849773959
GARY PIVO University of Arizona Contact: 520-561-6134 [email protected] EDUCATION Dec. 88 Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, City and Regional Planning May 79 MRP, Cornell University, Regional Planning March 77 BA, University of California, Irvine, cum laude Social Ecology EMPLOYMENT University of Arizona
Green Buildings in Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities: The …
We study the impact of green building on loans in the CMBS market. A hazard model shows green buildings carry 34% less default risk, all else equal. A matched-sample analysis gives similar results. We attribute the effect to a loan-to-value channel, where risk is lowered by a …
Physical planning thought. Retrospect and prospect
City planning scholars recently have been calling for greater attention by schools of city and regional planning to the intellectual field of physical planning. This article responds by offering a retrospective of the physical planning field and a future research agenda.
Hammer, J., & Pivo, G. (2017). The Triple Bottom Line and …
ABSTRACT: This study delineates between sustainable development, an established idea, and sustainability management, an emerging discipline. Theoretical and practical sustainable development is said to call for a sustainability management viewpoint that emphasizes safeguarding both man-made and natural assets.
Orienteering the landscape of urban water sustainability indicators
Based on a systematic analysis of indicator frameworks for urban water sustainability, this paper presents an overview of framework designs and current design trends. Five key framework design decisions and respective options are outlined, and the …
[PDF] The Triple Bottom Line and Sustainable Economic Development ...
The triple bottom line refers to economic, environmental, and social value of an investment and is related to the concept of sustainable development. The triple bottom line is increasingly salient to economic development related disciplines, yet the topic has received little attention within the field of economic development.