Piwi - Wikipedia
Piwi (or PIWI) genes were identified as regulatory proteins responsible for stem cell and germ cell differentiation. [4] . Piwi is an abbreviation of P -element I nduced WI mpy testis [a] in Drosophila. [6] . Piwi proteins are highly conserved RNA-binding proteins and are present in …
PIWI grape varieties - PIWI International
Which PIWI grape varieties are there and how does PIWI wine taste? Haven't for a long time Insider tip in the wine world more, the PIWIs come out of their shadowy existence. There are now a large number of new varieties that produce very …
PIWI International - Promotion of fungus-resistant grape varieties
PIWI wines Sustainable viticulture with fungus-resistant grape varieties. Ecological. Economical.
What are PIWI wines? - PIWI International
PIWI wines are attractive and sustainably produced wines from grape varieties with resistance properties. Today PIWI stands for new, innovative, robust and attractive. PIWI is established as a brand. PIWI grape varieties have a high resistance to fungal diseases and enable a significant reduction in the use of pesticides.
PIWI - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Piwi 是 Argonaute 蛋白質家族 的一個 結構域,同時也是部分Argonaute家族蛋白(特指與 piRNA 結合者)的通稱,最早在 黑腹果蠅 中發現,為「P元件 (英语:P element) 誘導的小睪丸」(P -element I nduced WI mpy testis)之簡稱 [1]。 Argonaute/Piwi家族的蛋白 N端 有一 PAZ結構域 (德语:PAZ-Domäne) 可與小RNA 3′端 的單股突出鹼基結合,中間有MID結構域與小RNA5′端的磷酸基結合, C端 則為具 內切酶 活性的Piwi結構域 [2][3]。
What is a PIWI Grapevine?
What is a PIWI Grapevine? As the German word “pilzwiderstandsfähig” translates to “fungus resistant,” that is the key to PIWI grapevines.
PIWI Proteins and piRNAs in the Nervous System - PMC
PIWI Argonaute proteins and Piwi-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) are expressed in all animal species and play a critical role in cellular defense by inhibiting the activation of transposable elements in the germline. Recently, new evidence suggests that PIWI proteins and piRNAs also play important roles in various somatic tissues, including neurons.
2014年7月16日 · 综述详细涵盖了PIWI蛋白质在piRNA生物合成及PIWI-piRNA途径在发育过程中的调节基因表达机制。 PIWI蛋白在不同物种发育过程中不可缺少。 在线虫、果蝇、斑马鱼和小鼠中,PIWI基因突变引起生殖细胞发育缺陷,如无法维持生殖干细胞 (germline stem cells,GSCs),减数分裂异常,最后造成不育。 近来研究发现了许多PIWI相互作用蛋白,包括多个TUDOR蛋白家族成员,并揭示了PIWI相互作用蛋白突变导致类似于PIWI的突变表型。 更重要的是,PIWI蛋白 …
piRNA:一类可能会火起来的非编码RNA - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
piRNA (PIWI-interacting RNA),是一种长25~33nt的非编码RNA,通过与 PIWI蛋白 相互作用而发挥作用,虽然同为非编码RNA,piRNA却远没有miRNA、LncRNA、 circRNA 知名度高,主要是因为piRNA主要在生殖系统中表达,相关研究也大多集中于此。 最近piRNA相关的研究逐渐增多,piRNA研究工作登上 CNS 的次数比最近大热的circRNA还要多得多。 piRNA与基因组稳定性保持、表观遗传学调节、生殖干细胞分化、胚胎发育和多种疾病的发生、发展密切相关。 PIWI蛋 …
Piwi+ APK for Android Download - APKPure.com
2016年10月23日 · Avec ses univers tendres, malins et rigolos, l’appli Piwi+, c’est la meilleure des récrés pour les 3-6 ans ! Plongés dans un décor 3D, les enfants découvriront des jeux et des …