克里斯蒂娜·德·皮桑 - 百度百科
克里斯蒂娜·德·皮桑(Christine de Pizan)是欧洲中世纪著名的女性作家,她极力反对中世纪艺术中对女性的污蔑和偏见,她是欧洲历史上第一位以写作为生的女性作家。
克里斯蒂娜·德·皮桑 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
克里斯蒂娜·德·皮桑(義大利語: Christine de Pizan ,1364年—1430年),出生于威尼斯,文艺复兴时期 欧洲 威尼斯 诗人。 因为其父被任命为 法国 国王 查理五世 的 皇家 占星家 ,所以她在宫中成长。
Christine de Pizan - Wikipedia
Christine de Pizan or Pisan (French: [kʁistin də pizɑ̃] ⓘ, Middle French: [krisˈtinə də piˈzã]; born Cristina da Pizzano; September 1364 – c. 1430), was an Italian-born French court writer for King Charles VI of France and several French royal dukes, in both prose and poetry.
Christine de Pisan | Biography & Facts | Britannica
Christine de Pisan (born 1364, Venice [Italy]—died c. 1430) was a prolific and versatile French poet and author whose diverse writings include numerous poems of courtly love, a biography of Charles V of France, and several works championing women.. Christine de Pisan’s Italian father was astrologer to Charles V, and she spent a pleasant, studious childhood at the French court.
Pizan's The Status of Women & the Reformation
2022年3月20日 · Pizan's vision of a metaphorical 'city of ladies' in which women were valued on par with men would not be realized until the 20th century and, even now, continues to be challenged and rejected, usually on religious grounds, just as it was in Pizan's own time. Summary of the Text
Christine de Pizan - World History Encyclopedia
2019年3月26日 · Christine de Pizan (also given as Christine de Pisan, l. 1364 - c. 1430) was the first female professional writer of the Middle Ages and the first woman of letters in France. Her best-known works advocated...
【简译】克里斯蒂娜·德·皮桑:女性地位与宗教改革 - 哔哩哔哩
2024年2月10日 · 克里斯蒂娜·德·皮桑(Christine de Pizan,约1364年-约1430年)的《妇女城》(1405年)被许多学者认为是第一部女权主义文学作品,在捍卫女性在社会中的平等方面,它比玛丽·沃斯通克拉夫特 (Mary Wollstonecraft ) 的《女权辩护》 (1792) 早近 400 年。
妇女城 - 百度百科
克里斯蒂娜·德·皮桑 (Christine de Pizan,1365-1430),欧洲中世纪作家,她极力反对中世纪艺术中对女性的污蔑和偏见,她是欧洲历史上第一位以写作维生的女性作家。她的作品体裁多样,有诗歌、小说、史诗、传记等,内容涉及政治、军事、教育、伦理、女性 ...
The Book of the City of Ladies - Wikipedia
The book includes discussion between Christine de Pizan and the three female Virtues which are sent to aid Christine build the city. These Virtues – Reason, Rectitude, and Justice – help Christine build the foundations and houses of the city, as well as pick the women who will reside in the city of ladies.
Christine de Pizan - King's College
Christine de Pizan was a French Renaissance writer who wrote some of the very first feminist pieces of literature. During the Renaissance, Christine de Pizan broke with the traditional roles assigned to women in several ways during a time when women had no legal rights and were considered a man's property.