pIZT/V5-His质粒图谱、载体图谱、序列、价格、抗性、测序引物 …
This vector has the following features: • The OpIE2 promoter for constitutive expression • The Zeocin resistance gene for rapid selection of stably transfected cell lines • C-terminal V5 epitope and polyhistidine (6xHis) sequence for detection with Invitrogen's Anti-V5 Antibody and rapid purification with nickel-chelating resin In additi...
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pIZT/V5-His载体序列信息--艾普蒂生物 - 哔哩哔哩
2024年12月13日 · 载体抗性:Zeocin (博莱霉素) 筛选标记:Zeocin. 特性: OpIE2启动子:提供组成型表达,适合昆虫细胞中基因的持续表达。 Zeocin抗性基因:用于快速筛选稳定转染的细胞系。 V5表位和His标签(C末端):用于蛋白的检测和纯化,V5表位可以用Invitrogen的. Anti-V5抗体进行检测,His标签可以用镍螯合树脂快速纯化。 GFP报告基因:与Zeocin抗性蛋白融合(Zeo-GFP),允许使用Zeocin快速筛选稳. 定转染的细胞系,并赋予荧光表型,简化转染细胞的识 …
pIZT V5-His Sequence and Map - SnapGene
Insect cell vector with a GFP-Zeocin™ resistance fusion gene, for constitutive expression of proteins with an optional C-terminal V5-6xHis tag. Sequence Author: Thermo Fisher …
Transcriptomic and Metabolomic Analyses of the Piz-t-Mediated ...
Magnaporthe oryzae causes devastating rice blast disease, significantly impacting rice production in many countries. Among the many known resistance (R) genes, Piz-t confers broad-spectrum resistance to M. oryzae isolates and encodes a nucleotide-binding site …
Mol Plant |中国农科院王国梁团队揭示水稻抗稻瘟病调控新机制
进一步研究发现,AvrPiz-t通过靶标水稻转录因子 APIP5 、E3泛素连接酶 APIP6 和APIP10、钾离子通道蛋白 OsAKT1 和胰蛋白酶抑制剂 APIP4 调控稻瘟菌的致病性和水稻的抗病性。 然而,NLR抗病蛋白Piz-t介导的抗病机制以及泛素连接酶APIP10如何促进Piz-t蛋白的降解还不清楚。
| AVR-Pizt variants and their pathogenicity to IRBLzt-T. (A) …
In the present study, we conducted a high-throughput nucleotide sequence polymorphism analysis of the AVR-Pi9 gene that was amplified from the rice-growing regions of the Yunnan Province in China....
The E3 Ligase APIP10 Connects the Effector AvrPiz-t to the NLR
2016年3月31日 · We show that APIP10 promotes degradation of Piz-t via the 26S proteasome system. Furthermore, we demonstrate that AvrPiz-t stabilizes Piz-t during M. oryzae infection. Together, our results show that APIP10 is a novel E3 ligase that functionally connects the fungal effector AvrPiz-t to its NLR receptor Piz-t in rice.
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2024年12月26日 · DEPARTURE ROUTE DESCRIPTION TAKEOFF RUNWAYS 1L/R: Climb on heading 014° to intercept course 072° to KYBAD, then on track 072° to HAIDN, then on track 095° to cross OLBLU at or above 10000 and at or below 250K, then on track 136° to cross RASLR at or above 13000, thence. . . .
Minneapolis RASLR Vintage Soft-T
The tri-blend fabric creates a vintage, fitted look. And extreme durability makes this t-shirt withstand repeated washings and still remain super comfortable. • Tri-blend construction (50% polyester/25% combed ring-spun cotton/25% rayon) • Pre-shrunk fabric • 40 singles thread weight • Comfortable and durable • Contemp