PK06 - RussianOptics
Few weeks ago I received a new Belomo optic called "PK-06" for testing and evaluation. I have seen a few pix on the net of this particular unit, but never got to handle it in person. When I opened the package I was absolutely shocked by the size of this little gizmo. This thing was close to an Aimpoint Micro in both size and weight.
逃离塔科夫配件原品杂谈之PK-06瞄具 - 哔哩哔哩
2020年6月6日 · ПК-06是ПК-05З的改进型号,可调节红点分划的亮度与类型,其排水系统可防止水在镜头护罩中积聚,避免发生因为水的原因引起的偏差;其密封充氮外壳可以防止温度突然变化而使光学镜头表面起雾,并且可以在摄氏零下40至摄氏50度的温度下操作。 背面图,可以看到风偏调节旋钮和开关. 镜子由一块CR2032电池供电,由于功耗低,一粒电池的工作时间至少为250小时;瞄准标线的亮度可以10挡调节,把开关调至末端即为关闭瞄具;其采用皮卡丁尼导轨设计, …
我个人比较喜欢突击作战,所以偏爱一倍镜和中倍镜,一倍里面最爱美式反射镜MR5,不过它自带的四种瞄准点型我只用第三种的,就是三个横线,中间一个红点(跟毛式一倍镜常见的点型一样)的那种,第一个红点我嫌太暗,开镜不能迅速找到中心点,第二个又嫌太亮,和稍远一点的人对枪很挡视野,第四个那种和全息类似的瞄准点状。 我是既嫌它中心点不突出又嫌它挡视野,至于喜欢这个镜子的原因,是它的视野最开阔,镜框处在一个我个人比较舒服的位置,镜框再小了( …
pk-06 - General game forum - Escape from Tarkov Forum
2020年12月4日 · Great: Kobra (also gives -recoil), OKP-7 dovetail, & pretty much all of the Holographic sights from Eotech (apart from the HHS variable series) Medium: P1X42, RMR, FastFire (huge reticle though), DeltaPoint, Elcan 1/4x, Valday 1-6x, Tac-30 1-4x & VuDu 1-6x (depending on your 1x sensitivity preference)
PK-06是一种带自动标线亮度调节功能的开放式反射瞄准镜,内红点标线有三种类型,按压位于左侧的按钮即可切换标线样式。 PK-06是现代化的,轻巧的,易于操作的,易于维修的。
塔科夫新手上手介绍(14)-------瞄具(3) - 哔哩哔哩
开镜视野 Trijicon RMR Peacekeeper 2级解锁,153美元,需要一个镜架,镜架有两款,均为18美元
Tarkov: The Best Red Dot Sight is Not Enough : r/EscapefromTarkov
2021年3月13日 · It's been very clear for a while now that the pk-06 is a strong sight, arguably the best red dot due to the lack of visual sway it experiences while in a firefight. This then leads to those who are already using "meta" weapons to even standardize the sight they use.
There's no legitimate reason for the PK-06 to be out of stock.
2020年12月18日 · Try the mrs or the rmr on the mp5. Just try it. The pk06 is the only sight that works on some subs, and can 0 down to 25m. Plus its reticle just looks good. 6 [deleted] • 3 yr. ago
Well ... I guess PK-06 meta is back. : r/EscapefromTarkov - Reddit
Personally, I really like the Vudu optics. Valday is definitely the better of the ranged optics. As far as collimaters/red dots go, PK-06 is great, but personally I also really like the RMR/Deltapoint which are both affordable and available early.
BelOMO PK-06 reflex sight - Escape from Tarkov Wiki
Open reflex sight with automatic reticle brightness adjustment and switching between 3 reticle types.