mac - How can I open a .pkg file manually? - Ask Different
This file contains a manifest of everything the package will install and where to; to read this file, use the lsbom command. Most packages (I'm using Office 2008 here) also have an Archive.pax.gz file, this contains everything that Installer will move into the various folders as instructed in the BOM file.
Repackaging .pkg files without installing/unpacking
2014年4月7日 · I am not aware of any Apple recommended tools to edit existing package, pkg or mpkg, files.Most packages are signed and thus any changes will invalidate their signature; although resigning is simple enough using pkgbuild and an appropriate installer certificate.
How can I install .pkg with a shell on macOS?
2024年7月19日 · If you want to see which specific folders a pkg installer writes to and which post-install scripts will be run then check out SuspiciousPackage (freeware, can be installed with brew install --cask suspicious-package), and use quick preview from Finder when a .pkg file is selected. Pressing spacebar in Finder with the selected file should work too.
macos - How do you uninstall .pkg file? - Ask Different
2020年3月6日 · A .pkg file is an installer package. It is run with the help of the macOS built-in Installer app, and allows the installation of the files contained under the package under various directories as programmed by the developer of the software. Here's are a bunch of approaches that can be tried: Check the .pkg file and any associated files provided ...
terminal - Help converting .pkg to .app - Ask Different
2024年1月27日 · When I follow the steps in the video for expanding the .pkg, I’m met with multiple .pkg files, each containing a “Payload” file that can be turned into an app (according to the video). How can I combine all of these into a single macOS Application file?
Creating an installer (.pkg file) from the command line
2021年3月8日 · It lets you create a .pkg file through the command line, but you need to create a .pkgproj file, which you create with the Packages application. Share Improve this answer
How to open a .pkg file on Windows? - Techyv.com
All the contents of .pkg are designed for the applications installed in MAC. However you can not run this type of file on any Windows (Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows8, etc) This file is also use to create the Symbian files (.sis) which are the application of Symbian mobiles. Hope that i have clear your view about .pkg file. Thanks. Tunacao Caaron
Command to find out the version number of a .pkg file
Does anyone know how to retrieve the version number of a .pkg file which isn't installed yet? I'd like to use something like pkgutil --pkg-info , but that only works for installed packages. I've also tried installer -pkginfo -verbose , but that doesn't show the version number.
Create a .pkg file from a .dmg in order to be used for auto-install ...
2015年9月14日 · Composer allows you to rebuild an existing package (PKG, DMG, or MPKG) by converting it to a package source. After converting it to a package source, you can make changes to its contents and save a new copy of the package.
How to create a Package, which runs a shell script?
Copy a file to /tmp (it's an configuration script) Execute the following command: sudo installer -allowUntrusted -pkg "esets_remote_install.pkg" -target / So there are some (or a lot of questions): To solve this problem, have I chose Distribution or Raw Package?