PKH67 Green Fluorescent Membrane Labeling Sigma-Aldrich
This kit is for general cell membrane labeling. PKH67 has a longer aliphatic carbon tail than PKH1 and PKH2, two other green dyes previously described for in vitro and in vivo cell tracking. Based on the longer tail length, in-house studies have consistently shown reduced cell-cell transfer for PKH67 as compared to PKH2.
PKH67 Green Fluorescent Cell Membrane Label Sigma-Aldrich
PKH67 kit is for general cell membrane labeling. It has a longer aliphatic carbon tail than PKH1 and PKH2, two other green dyes previously described for in vitro and in vivo cell tracking. Based on the longer tail length, in-house studies have consistently shown reduced cell-cell transfer for PKH67 as compared to PKH2.
PKH67 Green Fluorescent Cell Linker Kit,用于常规细胞膜标记
Exosome Labeling Protocol with PKH Lipophilic Dyes
PKH26 is a fluorochrome in the red spectrum with peak excitation (551 nm) and emission (567 nm) characteristics compatible with rhodamine or phycoerythrin (PE) detection channels, and may also be excited by a 488 nm laser.
PKH67 Green Fluorescent Cell Linker Mini Kit,用于常规细胞膜标记
pkh67试剂盒用于常规细胞膜标记。 它具有比PKH1和PKH2(之前在 体外 和 体内 细胞示踪应用体积的另外两种绿色染料)更长的脂肪族碳尾。 基于更长的尾,内部研究一致表明与PKH2相比,PKH67的细胞转移减少。
Pkh67染料 | Sigma-Aldrich
PKH染料已成功用于体外和体内跟踪实验中标记外泌体和细胞外囊泡。 下述外泌体标记方案详细介绍了在微囊泡追踪实验中使用PKH染料实现可靠的外泌体荧光标记的步骤。 默克蛋白检测相 …
MKBio PKH67细胞连接试剂盒(用于常规细胞膜标记)绿色 - 上海 …
PKH67是一种专利的膜标记探针,与PKH1和PKH2相比,结构上带有更长的脂肪族碳尾,能稳定插入细胞膜脂质区域。 正因具更长碳尾,内部数据连续性证明:PKH67具有比PKH2更低的细胞-细胞间转运发生。 PKH67呈绿色荧光(见图1),最大激发波长为490nm,最大发射波长是502nm,与标准荧光素(Fluorescein)滤片兼容。 PKH67非常适合用于细胞毒性实验,与碘化丙啶(PI,MX4205)或7-氨基放线菌素D(7-AAD,MX4215)这些细胞活力探针联合使用,或者 …
PKH67绿色荧光细胞连接子试剂盒,用于常规细胞膜标记 | Sigma …
Polymethylmethacrylate and titanium alloy particles activate peripheral monocytes during periprosthetic inflammation and osteolysis. We investigated the interactions of particulate …
PKH 67 | 绿色荧光染料 | MCE - MCE-生物活性分子大师
PKH67 is a fluorescent cell binding dye with green fluorescence. PKH67 can stain the cell membrane and the Ex/Em is 490/502 nm. PKH67 is often used in combination with the non-specific red fluorescent dye PKH26 (Ex/Em=551/567 nm) to label cells, detect cell proliferation in vitro, and trace cells in vitro and in vivo.
The PKH67 Fluorescent Cell Linker Kits useproprietary membrane labeling technology to stably incorporate a green fluorescent dye with long aliphatic tails (PKH67) into lipid