Russian PTKM-1R Top-attack Anti-vehicle Mine Documented in …
2022年4月27日 · The PTKM-1R is a high-explosive (HE), top-attack, shaped-charge, anti-vehicle landmine. The PTKM-1R system functions by detecting and tracking a target. Once a target has been identified, a submunition is launched into the air toward the target, functioning so that it attacks the vehicle’s roof.
The PTKM-1R: Russia's most advanced anti-tank mine explained
2022年12月7日 · PTKM-1R is an advanced munition that works by penetrating the thinner top armour of a tank or armoured vehicle. This munition has been previously unseen in Ukraine despite having been publicly revealed by its manufacturer at the end of 2021. Recently the PTKM-1R has been appearing in Ukraine. What is the Javelin anti-armour weapon?
PTKM-1R: Russia’s Most Advanced Anti-Tank Mine
2022年9月18日 · The PTKM-1R is a top-attack anti-tank/anti-vehicle mine which is designed to detect the passage of target vehicles using acoustic and seismic sensors. The launching charge then detonates and projects a submunition up into the air toward the target.
PK machine gun - Wikipedia
Designed in the Soviet Union and currently in production in Russia, [1] the original PK machine gun was introduced in 1961 and the improved PKM variant was introduced in 1969. The PKM was designed to replace the SGM and RP-46 machine guns that were previously in Soviet service.
Russia completes design of PTKM-1R top-attack anti tank mine
2018年1月17日 · Sensitive electronic sensors allow the smart mine to independently track a hostile tank and hit it with a special sub-munition from the most vulnerable side - the top. Experts believe the new charges will make carpet mining unnecessary and will quickly create impenetrable minefields on armor approach routes, the Izvestia daily reported.
The PTKM-1R: Russia's most advanced anti-tank mine explained
2022年12月7日 · Russia's most advanced anti-tank mine, the PKTM-1R is a high-explosive, top attack mine. The previously unseen munition has begun to appear in Ukraine. The mine was publicly revealed by its...
PKT\PKTM坦克机枪 - 百度百科
PKT(Pulemyot Kalashnikova Tankoviy,俄文ПКТ)是PK的车载型,由于苏联军队要统一轻武器,郭留诺夫SGMT 坦克机枪 也在1962年由PKT机枪所代替。 不过卡拉斯尼柯夫为此做了一些改进:坦克乘员无法在战斗中及时更换枪管,因此枪管加长加粗以提供更持续的火力,枪管重量则相应增加了1.2kg,导气活塞杆及其复进簧连成一体,以减少枪管和机匣的摆动,导气调节装置具有抽气功能,避免射击时进入导气管内的火药燃气进入车内的战斗乘员区;由于是用作同轴机枪,因 …
proposal pktm 1 - Blogger
PKTM I menekankan pada dua aspek proses, yaitu pertama, pemahaman dan pengamalan Islam secara riil dan kedua, pengenalan diri. Maksud pemahaman dan pengamalan Islam secara riil adalah belajar, memahi dan mengamalkan Islam dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
PKTM 1 (Pelatihan Kader Taruna Melati I) - ipmmuallimaat.com
2015年3月22日 · Pelatihan Kader Taruna Melati 1 , PKTM 1 adalah Program kerja dari bidang Perkaderan . PKTM ini diberikan untuk angkatan 91 dan 93 .
Silabus Materi ke-Organisasi-an dan Kepemimpinan Pelatihan Kader Taruna Melati I PR Ikatan Pelajar Muhammadiyah SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Sumedang Tahun 2018 Materi NO 1