PLAAC: finding sequences with Prion-Like Amino Acid Composition
2 天之前 · PLAAC searches protein sequences to identify probable prion subsequences using a hidden-Markov model (HMM) algorithm. documentation and how to cite
PLAAC: finding sequences with Prion-Like Amino Acid Composition
3 天之前 · The default hidden Markov model (HMM) for PLAAC, which uses the updated AA frequencies for the prion-like state, and AA frequencies from S. cerevisiae for the background state, is shown below; background AA frequencies may differ at runtime if α 100% is used.
蛋白结构预测 | 内在无序区域(IDR)相变预测 - 知乎
plaac预测 finding sequences with Prion-Like Amino Acid Composition 在首页上方显示着PLAAC网站的定义: 通过HMM算法来寻找能够形成朊病毒结构的蛋白序列。
PLAAC: a web and command-line application to identify proteins …
2014年5月13日 · PLAAC has been developed as a web application to allow users to scan single protein sequences as well as whole proteomes for the presence of PrLDs. We have also augmented the original algorithm with additional scores, making unified comparisons possible.
whitehead/plaac: Prion-Like Amino Acid Composition - GitHub
PLAAC (Prion-Like Amino Acid Composition) searches protein sequences to identify candidate prion subsequences using a hidden-Markov model (HMM) algorithm. The PLAAC website is located at: http://plaac.wi.mit.edu/
PLAAC: a web and command-line application to identify proteins …
2014年9月1日 · PLAAC ranks the input sequences by several summary scores and allows scores along sequences to be visualized. Text output files can be downloaded for further analyses, and visualizations saved in PDF and PNG formats.
PLAAC : Bioinformatics
The best understood prions are from yeast and have a prion-forming domain with strongly biased amino acid composition, most notably enriched for Q or N. PLAAC is a web application that scans protein sequences for domains with prion-like amino acid composition. Users can upload sequence files, or paste sequences directly into a textbox.
PLAAC: a web and command-line application to identify proteins …
2014年9月1日 · PLAAC is a web application that scans protein sequences for domains with P: rion- L: ike A: mino A: cid C: omposition to rank the input sequences by several summary scores and allows scores along sequences to be visualized.
plaac/README.md at master · whitehead/plaac - GitHub
PLAAC (Prion-Like Amino Acid Composition) searches protein sequences to identify candidate prion subsequences using a hidden-Markov model (HMM) algorithm. The PLAAC website is located at: http://plaac.wi.mit.edu/
PLAAC - Bioinformatics DB
It is designed to identify prion-forming domains in proteins with biased amino acid composition, particularly enriched for Q or N. Users can upload sequence files or paste sequences directly into a textbox, and PLAAC ranks the input sequences by several summary scores, allowing scores along sequences to be visualized.