Bajor | Memory Alpha | Fandom
2015年3月9日 · Bajor was an inhabited eleventh planet of the Bajoran system. This system was located inside Bajoran space in the Bajor sector of the Alpha Quadrant. This was the largest …
Bajoran system | Memory Alpha | Fandom
The Bajoran system, also known as the B'hava'el system, was an inhabited planetary system located inside Bajoran space in the Bajor sector of the Alpha Quadrant. It was a unary star …
Bajoran - Wikipedia
Bajor, the seventh planet in the system, orbits the star Bajor-B'hava'el in the Bajoran sector. Other inhabited planets in the Bajoran star system include Andros (Bajor VIII), a Class K planet …
Bajor | Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki | Fandom
Bajor was a planet that was the homeworld of the Bajoran civilization and capital planet of the Third Republic of Bajor. Throughout much of the 24th century it was occupied by the …
Occupation of Bajor | Memory Alpha | Fandom
The Occupation of Bajor, sometimes colloquially referred to as The Occupation or the Cardassian War, was the term given to a half-century of military control over Bajor by the Cardassian …
Bajor - Official Star Trek Online Wiki
Bajor is the homeworld of the Bajorans and namesake for the Bajor Sector. The planet is notable for its location at the entrance of a stable wormhole, the Bajoran wormhole. During the brief …
Bajoran system - Federation Space - Official Wiki
2024年5月7日 · The Bajoran system, also known as the B'Hava'El system, is an inhabited planetary system in the Alpha Quadrant. This system contains 14 planets, Bajor included. A …
Bajor | Alpha Command Wiki - Fandom
The planet Bajor is a beacon of civilization in the Alpha Quadrant. While humans on Earth were not yet standing erect, ancient Bajoran culture flourished producing many great architects, …
Bajoran | Memory Gamma | Fandom
The Bajoran race is native to the planet Bajor in the Alpha Quadrant. They are a humanoid species distinguished primarily by several horizontal creases on the bridge of the nose.
Bajoran | Encyclopedia de Nasat Wiki | Fandom
A race of Humanoids native to the planet Bajor. One of the oldest Humanoid civilizations in the modern galaxy, the Bajorans were known to be great artists, architects, scholars and …
Star Trek: Bajor, Explained - Game Rant
2023年5月18日 · Bajorans spent a long time cultivating their peaceful presence in the galaxy. What put Bajor on the map of Star Trek planets to watch out for, and what’s pushed them …
Bajor | Ktarn Fleet Command Wiki | Fandom
Bajor, also known as B'hava'el VII, was the seventh planet in the B'hava'el (or Bajoran) System in the Alpha Quadrant. It was the homeworld of the Bajorans, the largest planet in the system, …
Bajor (AMU) | Memory Delta Wiki | Fandom
In an alternate mirror universe, Bajor is the homeworld of the Bajoran people. It was a class M planet, the seventh planet in the Bajoran system in the Alpha Quadrant, located near the …
Bajoran | Memory Alpha | Fandom
The Bajorans, or Bajora, were a humanoid species native to the planet Bajor in the Alpha Quadrant. The Bajorans had one of the oldest and richest cultures in the quadrant, though in …
Bajoran | Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki | Fandom
Bajorans are a deeply spiritual people from the planet Bajor in the galaxy's Alpha Quadrant, also sometimes referred to as the Bajora. (DS9 episode & novelization: Emissary; TNG episode: …
Bajoran | Star Trek Expanded Universe | Fandom
The Bajorans were a species native to the planet Bajor in the Alpha Quadrant. Bajorans were known to be highly religious; the Bajoran religion was centered around worshipping the …
Bajor - Federation Space - Official Wiki
Bajor was the M-class homeworld of the Bajorans located near the Bajoran wormhole. Bajor was formally accepted into the United Federation of Planets on Star Date 21110.23.
Bajorans - Obsidian Fleet Wiki
The planet Bajor is a beacon of civilization in the Alpha Quadrant. While humans on Earth were not yet standing erect, ancient Bajoran culture flourished producing many great architects, …
Mapping Deep Space Nine’s Bajor – The Map Room
2019年8月8日 · One exception is the planet Bajor, a key location in the TV series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Its map was created by DS9 writer Robert Hewitt Wolfe, who drew it on a white …
Bajoran | Neo Encyclopedia Wiki - Fandom
In the Star Trek science-fiction franchise, the Bajorans are a humanoid extraterrestrial species native to the planet Bajor. They were first introduced in the 1991 episode "Ensign Ro" of Star …