API Plan 13 | aesseal.com
Our API expert Richard Smith walks through some of the 4th Edition API Plans, providing expert analysis and explanation of each plan. Product recirculation from seal chamber to pump suction via a flow control orifice.
API Plan 13 - EN - EagleBurgmann
Standard flush plan for vertical pumps without a bleed bush below the seal chamber. Also used for high head horizontal pumps where Plan 11 cannot be used.
Description: Plan 13 is recirculation from the seal chamber or gland through an 1/8” minimum flow control orifice (when necessary), back to the pump suction.
Plan 13 - Seal FAQs
Plan 13 is similar to Plan 11 except that the flow comes out of the seal chamber and goes back to the pump suction. This is why Plan 13 is sometimes called a “reverse flush”. Typically Plan 13 is used on vertical pumps since the vertical pump has the discharge at …
API Plan 13 - Flexaseal Engineered Seals and Systems
Plan 13 operation is by recirculation of fluids from the seal chamber to the pump’s suction. Standard flush plan selection for most vertical turbine pumps. Flow control orifice can be omitted depending on the required flush flow rate. Helps to reduce the stuffing box or …
API 方案 13 - Swagelok
API 方案 13 将流体从密封腔再循环到泵的吸入侧。 该方案常用于立式泵。 套件组件以实体显示并包含一些可选组件。 方案 13 可作为准备现场装配的组件套件提供。 套件组件可能包括: 有关其他详细信息和订购信息,请参见“机械密封支座系统应用指南” 的第 15 页。 有关可选组件的信息,请与授权的世伟洛克销售与服务中心联系。 API 方案 13 将流体从密封腔再循环到泵的吸入侧。 该方案常用于立式泵。
Understanding API Plan 13 piping systems | Reliability Engineering
API Plan 13 is a piping arrangement that recirculates leaked fluid from the seal chamber back to the pump suction. It is used with single mechanical seals to maintain a controlled seal chamber environment by removing excess fluid and preventing pressure build up.
API Plan 13 | Swagelok
API Plan 13 recirculates flow from the seal chamber to the suction side of the pump. This plan is common for vertical pumps. API Plan 13 Kit components shown solid and include some optional components. This plan: Removes heat and flushes particulate from the seal chamber; Allows the seal chamber to be self-venting when used with horizontal pumps
API 682 Plan 13机械密封冲洗方案及动画 | 云智设计
2023年6月30日 · API Plan 13(冲洗方案 13)方案介绍 在 API682机械密封 冲洗方案13中,冲洗液从密封腔返回到泵进口,对密封进行冷却,并把气体和蒸汽排出密封腔。 文章源自云智设计-https://www.cidrg.com/doc/api-682/17228.html
API Plan 13 - Cowseal
API Plan 13 is a standard piping arrangement for mechanical seals, as defined by the American Petroleum Institute (API). It is designed to provide a clean and cool environment for the mechanical seal by using a fluid reservoir and a heat exchanger. In API Plan 13, a fluid reservoir is connected to the seal chamber.