Non-invasive early monitoring plant health using terahertz
2024年7月5日 · The state-of-the-art Terahertz sensing technique has emerged as a powerful tool for identifying various types of plant leaves and enabling early detection of plant diseases. This innovative approach utilizes both transmission and Attenuated Total Reflection modes within a frequency range of 0.1 to 3.5 THz.
Monitoring leaf water content with THz and sub-THz waves | Plant …
2015年3月6日 · In the past two decades, it has been demonstrated that terahertz technology can provide a non-invasive tool for measuring and monitoring the water content of leaves and plants. In this paper we intend to review the different possibilities to perform in-vivo water status measurements on plants with the help of THz and sub-THz waves.
Physics-assisted machine learning for THz time-domain ... - Nature
2024年3月25日 · In this work, we illustrate the use of machine learning techniques for THz time-domain spectroscopy assisted by domain knowledge based on light–matter interactions. We aim at the potential...
Terahertz spectral imaging based quantitative determination …
2019年9月13日 · In this article, we present a THz spectral imaging method to quantify the volumetric fraction of water, solid matter, and gas in leaf. In this method, the dielectric relationship between leaf and each component is given by an effective medium model, and the particle swarm optimization algorithm is introduced to calculate the relevant parameters.
Quantitative Assessment of Cold Injury in Tea Plants by Terahertz ...
2023年5月15日 · Cold injury (CI) causes irreversible damage to tea plants, which results in decline in the quality of famous teas and huge economic loss. A new, quick, non-destructive method is provided to assess the CI of tea leaf based on terahertz (THz) spectroscopy.
Terahertz spectroscopy for quantification of free water and …
2021年12月1日 · THz spectroscopy, aided by the linear absorption model and particle swarm optimization, was used to quantitatively evaluate the free water and bound water in plant leaves, and its feasibility was verified by correlation analysis between the THz-based approach and the traditional method.
(PDF) Terahertz Spectroscopy and Imaging Techniques for Herbal ...
2023年3月1日 · Terahertz (THz) spectroscopy, with low energy, penetration, and fingerprint features, becomes preferable method for herb quality appraisal. There are three parts in our review. THz...
Molecular Characterization and Theoretical Calculation of Plant …
2018年3月12日 · In this work, the theoretical fundamentals for the application of THz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) to molecular characterization and fingerprint peak detection of three plant growth regulators (PGRs), including 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), forchlorfenuron (CPPU) and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) were researched.
Analyzing cadmium-phytochelatin2 complexes in plant using terahertz …
2021年12月1日 · Terahertz-time domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) provides a simple sample preparation, label-free and non-destructive spectroscopic method that allows biomolecules to be characterized and visualized (Adak and Tripathi, 2019).
Variability of Terahertz Transmission Measured in Live Plant Leaves
2017年4月4日 · Terahertz (THz) transmission was measured in the live leaves of seven species of common food plants. Multiple leaves of each plant were examined, and large variability of transmission loss was revealed. The results have implications for THz applications for agricultural sensing and for the design of THz communications links.