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Peer-reviewed research on a whole food vegan diet has repeatedly demonstrated its ability to prevent and reverse our most lethal diseases.
Calorie Requirements Calculator | Height Weight Age and
How much food you need to eat everyday based off your weight, height, age, and activity. Includes Basal Metabolic Rate calculator.
About - plantspace
In addition, Plantspace strives to be a thorough resource for credibly documented information in the realm of nutritional research and the environmental and ethical effects of animal …
Forum - plantspace
Welcome to the the Plantspace Forum. The forum is meant to be a judgement free zone where the goal is not to sugar coat issues or brush off concerns but to openly address and fully solve …
Facts - plantspace
Humans raise and slaughter 70 billion land animals each year. Farm animal Population: “ 1.43 billion cattle, 1.87 billion sheep and goats, 0.98 billion pigs, and 19.60 billion chickens.”
Health Studies - plantspace
Including Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's disease, this page covers studies that hint at the causes and potential treatments for both.
Fat Percentage Calculator for New Nutrition Facts Label - plantspace
The FDA’s new label has made it very difficult to determine the percentage of total calories that come from fat in a packaged food.
Research - plantspace
From heart disease to weight loss, the research that proves a whole food vegan diet is worth the extra effort.
Environment - plantspace
Dead zones now number 550 worldwide.They are caused by a eutrophication or blooming of algae species from excess nitrogen which leads to oxygen depletion and mass fish die offs.
Cancer Research - plantspace
Cancer and Diet. The foods we eat can either feed or fight cancer. In some cases, foods can even encourage your blood to kill cancer more effectively.